There are so many photos from our run on Saturday I am not quite sure where to start. As I mentioned the Redhead and I decided to do our 12 mile long run through downtown Orlando.

I actually arrived in Orlando on Friday night for a mutual friend’s party. This is what we look like when we are not sweaty and gross. (Be sure to check out the Redhead’s blog for more photos and hilarity.)

Needless to say we snapped photos with and of various things/people on the 4th. We got a lot of strange looks, a few catcalls, and even one (very) drunk woman yelling, “You go girls! I should be doing that! But I’m not!”
Here’s a view heading into downtown Orlando. This started off our run at about 6:30 PM.
This is also where we spotted our first hobos of the evening. We saw many more as the run went on. We then ran down this cute little path. I pretended to be Rocky/Strange Girl Running On 4th of July (ok, so not a stretch on the latter).

The Redhead and I stopped to take some photos with some classic cars on display. As well as some really cool statues. I felt so cultured standing next to this beautiful piece of art.

We continued on our way and saw some Hare Krishna devotees and some awesomely friendly cops who let us sit on their motorcycles. They didn’t even mind that we were super duper sweaty.

We made it through all 12 miles at a slower pace than intended but we figured it was a fun run on a holiday so it didn’t matter. At the end we lit some sparklers (thanks random gay guys for the light!). We are showing off our awesome wrist bands. I didn’t know how helpful these wristbands were until the Redhead informed me of their intended use. Wiping sweat from your brow, upper lip, forehead, etc. Genius! Post run we did what I feel is the best leg recovery technique. Basically, put your legs up against the wall and keep them straight up for 15 minutes. It is not the most pleasant experience but it’s so worth it. It really helps the legs get new blood circulating, thus helping with the soreness. NOTE: That is a star tattoo on my foot. Not dirt.

Thanks to the Redhead’s route planning, hospitality, and all around charm, it was a great weekend! I hope you all had a terrific Fourth of July.

It’s back to serious training starting tonight with the dreaded hills. Until then, I’ll be thinking about the sparklers!