Ok, which one of you punched me in the butt while I was sleeping last night? Fess up. I know it was one of you.


Hmm. I am not sure what happened then. I woke up this morning with a sore right booty cheek. Almost as if I had been doing squats. Which, I have not. I did my 5 mile recovery run yesterday morning and spent the evening with the BRA at our monthly meeting. So I am not really sure what happened to my gluteus maximus.

Anyway, a woman from the Ragnar Relay was at our meeting to discuss this awesome (read: insane) relay with us. I am still torn on it. You can go here and tell me what you think.

Tonight I have a 6 mile run which is my weekly medium-long-run, or MLR. I am supposed to run this a tad faster than my long run and to be honest don’t really look forward to this one. I like hills and speedwork more than this run. The problem is that it usually falls on a Wednesday, it’s usually very hot where I run this, and I don’t have a ton of people in my pace group for it. I may have to adjust this run to be later, earlier, or at a different location.

I so miss the days when I dressed like this to run.