Since I’m currently running sidelined I don’t have much to say by way of running. I’m sure I’ll come up with some other random nonsense in the meantime. You’re welcome in advance.
Right now though, I wanted to introduce some blogs written by a few friends on the Tribal Mutlisport team that I get to train with. It’s an honor to train next to behind these badasses even if I do sometimes feel like a groupie. Ha!
Of course I’m name dropping here because all of these folks are professional triathletes. And I know them. And sometimes they laugh at my jokes.
In any event, I hope you’ll go read their blogs and report back. I for one LOVE reading about what professionals do and how they train and what they eat and when they poo and so on. 
Brittany Pierce Brittany is a quiet, unassuming athlete, but she’ll blow by you like you are standing still. She’s extremely sweet and extremely fast. Great race reports and a supporter of Girls on the Run.
Maria Lopez Maria is a new pro and just completed her first race as a pro in Chattanooga. She’s one of the strongest women I’ve ever seen race and is extremely humble. Also great race reports and training life in general. Plus, a dash of humor.
Nicholas Chase Some of you may remember Nick as the guy who was helping me not eat like a complete monster. He’s where I got the amazing breakfast quinoa recipe. He’s also a triathlete stud and as one of the coaches for Tribal Mulitsport, his blog features lots of tips and great insights.
Ola Besser As the newest person in the Tribe to turn pro Ola is already becoming a force. She just started her journey and her blog. From the first post, which made me laugh, I’m already waiting for the next.
I hope you all enjoy these blogs. I’ll be over here, foam rolling and like a machine.