Happy Thursday! I’ve got three things for you guys and am happy happy happy that this week is going by so quickly. I’m looking forward to a great weekend of workouts.
1. My weekly workout recaps have been sporadic because I just don’t know if you all find them that interesting. I hate to bore you guys. Please let me know in the comments if you like them and think I should continue doing them on Mondays. Otherwise you’ll just get more LolCat pics and random discombobulated stories. (You could always just go be my friend on DailyMile.)

2. I have a half ironman next weekend (the 25th). Well damn. That seemed to sneak up quickly, didn’t it? I’m not really worried about goals and times at this race. I’m looking at it as a long training day. I just want to have fun and not race in a monsoon again.

3. I had a grocery shopping epiphany the other day. First of all, I loathe grocery shopping which is odd considering I love all other forms of shopping. Secondly, the S.O. and I are trying really hard to stop wasting money by eating out so often. Sadly, neither one of us is much into cooking, although we are trying. Anyway, my epiphany (and I suppose this is where I put “lastly”) was that I’ve been bringing lunches to work that I am not enjoying and thus, I’m continuing to eat out.
I made the decision to buy items that are a much more enjoyable for me to eat while still being on the healthy side. Instead of a boring tuna salad, I am trying some sandwich wraps and hummus and carrots. I think ultimately, getting more creative with what I eat for lunch is going to help in the long run. I just need more ideas. Got any?

That’s all folks!