It’s true what they say about learning something at every race, and I definitely learned a few things at Sarasota. My list of ten is stuff that really specifically applies to me but I bet there are a few we can all agree on.
1. I like racing alone. As I started with Brad I kept wondering if I was going too fast to keep up with him or was I slowing him down? His leg turnover is a higher cadence than mine and it made me feel panicky. The second he agreed to go ahead I felt calmer. It’s not because of Brad by any stretch, I love training with him. But I’ve noticed that I prefer to race alone regardless of who it is. I just get too analytical about what I’m doing to the other person. I liked running alone at Jacksonville after Randy and I split up even though I enjoyed his company for the first 13 miles. What can I say? I’m a loner.
2. Other people’s breathing patterns freak me out. Listen, I know how you breathe during a race is not something you can really control. Breathing during a race is almost as unique as running gait during a race. There are people who sound like they are wheezing, there are people who sound like they are blowing up a balloon, there are also people who sound like they are just flat out going to die. And, it freaks me out during a race. More often than not, I have to get in front of these folks or let them drop me just so I don’t start breathing the same way they are breathing. It’s really weird but, hey, I’m weird. (Yes, I know I probably have some weird breathing thing too.)
3. Most people don’t feel chatty during a race. I’m probably THE most annoying person during a race because, since I find myself hilarious, I will often try to say something funny to other runners. Most of the time they just sorta stare blankly ahead and ignore me. I have learned that I need to really stop doing this, especially toward the end miles. I know when I’m hurting the last thing I want is to hear some dork tell me a joke. Sorry to anyone I’ve annoyed during a race, sometimes I just can’t help myself. I’m like a long, lost vaudevillian actor and there are miles of people to entertain.
4. I will smile for any and all cameras. I think this is a given considering I look happy in even my most horrendous races. See number three.
5. I am annoyed by people who wear their music so loudly they can’t hear me or anyone else behind them during a race. I am all for headphones and music, if the race allows it. I just don’t understand why you have to have the music so loud you can’t hear anything. I have seen runners ignore volunteers telling them to move right in order to let emergency vehicles or front runners by. At Sarasota someone had their headphones so loud they couldn’t hear people shouting that a wheelchair athlete was coming up behind them. Seriously people, turn them down if you’re gonna wear them. This is about safety just as much as courtesy.
6. I will high five small children. Yeah, if you bring some little kids and they are handing out high fives, I’m your girl.
7. I take water at every aid station. I learned that I have to do this since I’ve not been great at hydrating lately. I’m not good at drinking the water and I usually choke on it while trying to run but I’m going to keep taking it. Thanks volunteers!
8. I absolutely cannot calculate a finish time to save my life. I used to do math in my head during long runs just to occupy myself but in a race, I’m a straight up dunce cap wearing dumb dumb. I got to mile ten and tried to figure out where I would be finishing based on pace and I started laughing because I COULD NOT figure it out. It’s sad really.
9. I LOVE seeing the elites run by going the other way. They always pump me up and I cheer for them and then think about how they are going to be done for hours and hours before I am. But I love seeing them anyway.
10. I have said this before but it bears repeating, I heart finish lines.
What have you learned during your last races? Do any of these hold true for you too?
This is why you and Spike should run races together, you could just have a running commentary and crack each other up and you know him, he'll just run step for step with you.
I'm such a ham at races. Even if I'm dying, I will try to get people around me to laugh and interact. Fortunately most people seem to be receptive…or too tired to kill me!
haha I'm learning to love racing and running alone too – I can't push hubs away when we train together but usually we're both going in such a mode that we're quiet – wish I could've made it for this one!
I have learned to really enjoy running without music, which shocks me. I used to need it as a distraction. But I enjoy my run more without it. I think it's less stressful to run alone because I am afraid of slowing someone else down, but it is also fun to run with someone and chit chat.
I have been trying to embrace the running without music. During long runs, having something in my ear like that ends up really frustrating me and all I want to do is throw my headphones.
Plus, I like to listen in on other people's conversations. Im alone, my ears are naked, what else am I supposed to do? lol
I've started leaving the tunes at home during all races now. It's just more fun to talk to people on the course.
I heart finish lines too. And bling. I'm all about the bling.
Loud music drives me crazy, too! I can't run with music ever… fiddling with headphones… gah!
Wait until you try calculate your IM finish time during the race… it's so hard! #IMbrain 🙂
1. I'm a solo racer- it's how I roll.
2. Other peoples breathing patters drive me crazy "HOW DARE he breathe like that" ya know, I'm an asshole.
3. I admit I am quiet during races
4.If I see the camera I'll smile but half the time I don't see them or they catch my awkward post-smile look
5.As someone who runs with music, I like to keep it so I can still hear other things, unless I'm feeling like shit and then I crank it up.
6.Yes, me too!
7. I don't at every station, typically every other.
8.I'm good at math, unless you ask me to do it while running
9. YEs! I love out and backs for this reason!
10. Finish lines are my happy place.
I have worked hard to get away from people with annoying breathing patterns. In one race I decided I would slow down as I couldn't take another second of the woman near me.
I'm so guilty of #3. Every so often I'll find that special racing someone that is at my pace for a while and is willing to go back and forth with me on commentary.
When that happens, I've seen a few disgusted over-the-shoulder looks back. I think it's probably the weird, hard breathing people, and they're jealous.
I don't know, I never push so hard during longer races that I am breathing that loudly.
P.S.-I've also grown to dislike the headphone people. I used to be one, but I learned very early that runs just aren't any fun with them.
I am with you on a bunch of these. I really don't like headphone wearers. They are generally oblivious to everyone, which is both annoying and dangerous.
As for talking, I ran a race in Central Park, where, Mr. Intensity was in front of me ina 9 mile race (2 loops). We were towards the end and thus lapping some of the back of the pack. All of a sudden, Mr. Intensity, about 5 feet in front of me shouts "COME ON!!!". It completely freaked out the people we were lapping (who jumped off the course) and was completely obnoxious.
As I ran by, I smiled, shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes, thinking that was incredibly rude of Mr. Intensity. Then, about 200 yards up, he did it again. Then I realized, he was only trying to psyche himself up, but, in the process, managed to make two beginners feel completely out of place. But buddy, be aware of everyone else out there!.
And he was wearing headphones.
We have A LOT of things in common when it comes to this!! 🙂 Especially the breathing!
Great post! I am totally with you on #1. I have learned that I like racing alone too. If someone wants to run with me at the beginning, that is fine, but I have to run my own race and focus and be in the zone if it is a goal race. If it is just for fun, then I enjoy being with friends. xo
I love this post! I think we might be race twins, because I prefer to run alone and do my own race, and I high-five anyone who holds out their hand. I would add that I also say thank you to all volunteers and police, and they are usually so stunned they don't know how to respond, haha. But it makes me feel good!
I love to run near a pace group or a couple of friends, but I can't carry on a conversation during a race, especially right now. I just get in my zone but I don't have the extra breathe to chit chat. But I'll totally point out obvious crap and make dorky comments along the way…. predominantly in the form of movie quotes.
Gr8 Post 4 Sure!!! I feel the need 2 chime in on the headphone aspect here. I volunteer a lot. Working at aid stations, bike coarse marshall, early set up, etc. And I do have a witch w/a capital B about music during races. Training, GO 4 IT, but races, leave it at home. A simple "Good Job" will totally discombobulate a run w/headphones. Their posture will shift, pull out 1 earbud, or ask," Whats That?" I understand were runners listening 2 music come from!! I say," Be Present During The Race, Unplug, & Cheer 4 Others."
Lol. I am one of those people that sounds like they are going to die while running. (I have asthma. Not sure if that contributes?) I've had people stare at me like I'm crazy. Woops! lol…