In the meantime, since I really have nothing else to post about, I’m happy I got tagged by Summer from The Blue Line Runner for this post. It helps keep me from rambling on and on about taper madness. Heh.
The rules of this post:
1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog (FB page or other Social site) and tell them you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag people!
11 Random things about me:
1. My favorite Disney movie is Alice in Wonderland. Who needs princesses when you have talking caterpillars and momraths? (Don’t step on them!)
2. I got a new tattoo on New Year’s Eve. I had been wanting it for a while and I love it.
3. I cannot hock a loogie. I tried this morning and almost choked to death.
4. I think Johnny Depp looks like he needs a bath and that dirty look isn’t sexy to me. I’ll take clean cut any day of the week.
5. I used to HATE running in the cold weather. I’d get up for early runs and be furious it was so cold. Now I LOVE it. I think seeing my race times in colder temps made me change my mind. I still prefer hot days to cold with the exception of racing of course.
6. I would own a million LBDs if I could. (Look it up dudes.)
7. I used to smoke cigarettes in college and now I’m the person who covers my nose around smokers. As they say, the converts are the worst…
8. Where Summer posted that she’s a fight, I’m most certainly a flight. (The only time I’d probably fight is if it were for a friend or family member versus myself. Otherwise, I’m outta there!)
9. I dream in very vivid color.
10. I hate peas. They are like little fart pods.
11. I’m sorry if I ruined peas for you.
Summer’s questions to those tagged:
Favorite time of the day? Mid-morning, like 11 AM when things are just warming up.
What is your favorite meal to make? I generally like cooking for others and don’t do it as much for myself, but I did like making a very easy chicken and dumplings meal.
Glass 1/2 full or glass 1/2 empty? Depends on the day. Today, 1/2 full for sure!
Last picture taken on your phone? None. My phone is broken and I swear I’m getting it fixed before I go see Red next month. She made me promise. Hahaha!
If money was no issue how many races would you try to do in a year? 8 or 9. I’m greedy.
Car, Truck, Van, or SUV? I actually drive a wagon. The HHR, which, will be paid off in 1 month! Woot!
Do you take part in any water sports ? I swam in high school and love swimming now. Other than running, it’s what I enjoy most.
If your walking down the street and find a $100.00 bill what do you do with it? I would definitely see if anyone nearby dropped it. If not, I’m going straight to the mall. I may end up with running garb or a new LBD.
Favorite non sports related thing to do? Read.
Have Pets? Lloyd. He’s an 11-year-old terrier mix and always makes me smile. Well, except for that whole needing to be taken out to pee at 4 AM.
Last movie you went to a theater to see? The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Whew! Ok, my tags are:
Pain is Nothing (I’m having trouble commenting on your blog. Try the pop up window, it fixed my commenting issues)
Now go forth and random away. I’ll just be here, in taper madness Monday…
What is your tattoo of? Or did I miss that post? I totally agree with you about Mr. Depp! Stay sane and kick butt!
WHOOP WhoOP! i love taper madness time! I can't believe it's almost here girl!
Your phone still isn't fixed?!?!?! BETH!!!!!!! Every time I talk to you, you say you're getting it fixed that weekend! FIRED!
Oooh, what's the tattoo?
Good luck keeping the taper madness under control! Hard to believe that race day is almost here.
I seem to have also missed the post with a photo of your tattoo. If it's too racey email me!
-Gator Mike
Little Fart Pods……HA HA HA HA HA!
I can't stand Johnny Depp and will never see a movie with him in it ever. I have my reasons and can rattle them off if you'd like but will keep them to myself until then.
Now I need to go search what an LBD is….this is blogging not f'n trivial pursuit…..just give us the answer……
You are going to rock that race……eat thunder and crap lightening Beth.
Haha little fart pods.
Yay! Only 5 more sleeps until Miami!!! It's going to be awesome especially if they get a freak cold front late Saturday night. Cold running weather is my favorite too. And I absolutely hate the smell of smoke. My grandma smoked and I always hated going to her house…
Thanks for the tag and also the comment pop up tip (fixed it!). Enjoy your taper and see you in Miami!!!
Oh how I loathe fart pods. Back in the day when I knew it was wrong to spit food out of my mouth at the dinner table, I had a forkful of peas and threw them up at the Christmas dinner table.
Keeping it classy
I don't get the Dirty Depp appeal either. I am glad you found your way out of the smoke! Now you make me want pea soup. Mmm liquid farts. Does that make pea soup a shart?
By cold weather you mean the brisk 50 degree mornings in Florida? 🙂 So much better than running in DC in the summer!
Girl you are most welcome. I would be doing the world a disservice had I not tagged you. I mean “Fart pods” really Beth really… that is about the funniest things I have ever heard.
Love your new ink by the way! #3 is nasty and just reading it makes me gag. I think I like you even more now after reading #4 I agree 100%! #8 well I got your back so don’t run to far I may need you to at least call for help.
I have always called the HHR the Dick Tracy car. So that makes you cool! Now you just need a Tommy gun to hang out the window. I just went and saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo this past Saturday it was an intense movie.
#3. I cannot hock a loogie either…glad U'm not the only one!
#4. I agree that Johnny Depp looks yucky and dirty. However, I loved him back when he was in Nightmare on Elm St and 21 Jump Street..he was cute and clean cut back then.
I loved Girl with the Dragon Tattoo…even more than the Swedish version!
new tattoos designs gives nice feeling