I am finally feeling a tad more human and can breathe out of one whole nostril. Woot! The good news is that I’m not so drained and have hopefully crossed over to the healthier end of this stupid cold. Lloyd is quite disappointed because he was getting very used to me being home for snuggling.
I missed all of my runs this week with the exception of my 10 mile pace run on Tuesday. Hopefully I can get in my last long run tomorrow and head into next week ready for that lovely taper I’ve been dreaming about. I’m trying hard not to worry about this dumb cold and realize that I have put in all the training at this point that I need. As they say…the hay is in the barn.
In other news I signed up for the St Anthony’s Olympic distance triathlon. This was my first oly last year and I’m hopeful that I’ll be much better on the bike. Remember that disaster? I fell at transition and got passed by a tricycle. Ok, not really on the tricycle part…but close. Heh.
I’m way behind on your blogs and I apologize but it’s better that I stayed away and not spread this funk through the interwebs.
One final long run – here I come!
TGIF beeches. Have a great weekend!
I am thankful you are getting better!
Loyd rules!
Rest up and get well. The big day is coming!
I may have to come down for St. A's to trip you during transition…. Get well.
Glad you are feeling better! How exciting another tri!!
Good to hear that you are getting well and that your sense of humor is still there.
Hooray for Saint Antho-NAY…..see that little rhyme right there….watch out Eminem.
Good luck with your final long run!
Good on getting better and long run! Good to see you stepping up again on St. Anthony's. Now rock this marathon and then get on the bike!