It’s the last Thankful Thursday of the year! I hope you all have made your resolutions and are ready for a great 2012.

I actually vow to use the treadmill as little as possible. That thing bores me to tears. My apologies to those of you who live where it gets so cold it’s your only option. I’ve got room at the Inn if you ever need to escape to Florida. Yes, Coach Ken, that’s an open invite.

Since it is the very last Thankful Thursday of 2011, and probably my last post for 2011, I figured it deserves a list. Why not end the year on a high note right? Today I am thankful for….

1. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith. This book is a total guilty pleasure and I’m really stoked to see they are making it into a film. Score! What do you mean you didn’t know Abe Lincoln was a vampire hunter? It’s in the history books. Sheesh.

2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Having read the book and seen both the American and Swedish films, I’d have to say that I’m impressed with how good the American film was. Granted, they switched around a few things and I’m not super thrilled with the ending, but over all it’s a good flick.

3. Sleepytime Tea. My friend Jeff was really talking up tea during a long run and I figured that I give it a go. And sure enough, this sleepytime tea is a wonderful beverage to sip while reading ridiculous books in bed. I don’t know if it helps me sleep but it is tasty and lovely on a cold night. You know, when it drops into the 60’s. Heh.

4. Wiz Khalifa (particularly this song, makes me think “ahhh the folly of youth”). Yes, the majority of his songs are about weed but I can’t help liking this rapper’s swagger. As a long time hip-hop head I can appreciate his lyrics and like him as an alternative to Lil Wayne, whose voice really irritates me. (I know this is so random for some of you but I was really, really into rap/hip-hop as a teen and college student. No, I did not become a member of a gang or shave off my eyebrows. I just like the music.)

5. New running routes and some new running buddies. It goes without saying that my O.G. running buds are the best but since I’ve moved I’ve made an effort to meet some folks closer to my new pad and try out some new routes. I’ve been pleasantly surprised and am really enjoying mixing it up every week. Sometimes change is good.

6. My Mottoz Active Wear. They have really great running shirts and they are currently having a 60% off sale. I got a shirt from here for Christmas and it may be my Miami Marathon shirt. Head over there and check it out.

7. Arctic Ease Cryotherapy Wraps. As someone who always laments on having no calf muscle I was stunned to see those same puny baby cows featured on the Arctic Ease home page. Yes, my calves are famous. Please no photos. So of course I’m sending you over there to see my sweet calves (and I’m on the site elsewhere, it’s like a Where’s Waldo) but I also want you to check out the product. I’ve been wearing mine a lot this week because my shin has been acting up again. One of the best things about this product is that it fits nicely under my pants and stays cold for quite a while. Plus the added compression feels very nice on my niggly shin.

8. Suave. I was using a super high end shampoo and conditioner and it didn’t smell that great nor did it make my hair look as good as it’s claims. So a week or so ago I switched to Suave. And I saw an immediate difference in my hair. It smelled much better and looked way shinier. Suck it pricey name brand shampoo.

9. 306 days until Halloween!

10. A trip to see Red & Spike in the Mitten state in February. I can’t wait to see them and snow! I’ve only seen snow twice in my life so it’s always fun for me. Plus I think we may be running a 5K….stay tuned.

So barring the end of the world, I’ll see all of you in 2012. Happy New Year!