I finally got a new Garmin which is pretty awesome because I was previously using the Flintstone version that may or may not have had an actual bird inside keeping my pace with his beak.
“Hey lady, move your slow ass.”
I opted for the 305 because I didn’t want to blow my mind by jumping way up to the newest model and the price for the 305 is very reasonable. I also liked the features it offered and read about a billion reviews before deciding. I know everyone has different opinions on GPS watches and ultimately you just have to find the one that works best for you. I waited so long to get a new one because the 101 works just fine but I did want one that holds the pace versus moving up and down all the time. Stupid bird.
My long run on Saturday (18 miles) went amazingly well and I’ve got another 22 miler on deck for this weekend. I’ll be taking a humongous nap afterward so that I am fully rested for the New Year’s Eve festivities.
Speaking of New Year’s Eve, I’ve decided that one of my resolutions will be to work on my patience. I struggle with being patient in everyday life, especially while driving or waiting in line or dealing with idiots people. I know I could do better with this since I regularly startle myself with obscenities while driving. I know! I’m awful! I swear I’m going to work on it. Ok, well not the swearing part but you know what I mean.
What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Are they more “health” oriented than mine?
Patience is a virtue…..or so I'm told.
I always fall back on all of our bloggie buddies when something is not going the way I expect it. By that I mean when you read all the blogs that we do you know that somebody is dealing with something. Injury, Family Loss, Children, Job Loss, etc and so I tend to be a tad more patient because of that.
On the other hand when somebody puts my life in danger then patience goes out the window. For example, last week this woman cut me off and I slammed on the breaks in the bad rainy weather and went sliding toward a house. I slammed into the curb which slowed me down and allowed me to turn the wheel but when I did I was heading right for another car which I managed to avoid. I came to a stop and the f'n woman drove right on by and waved. I ran out of the car and chased her then realized that my car is faster and drove around the neighborhood looking for her but never found her. Motherf'er now I'm pissed.
Patience Jason Patience.
I would love to be more patient too, but I think it's too late for me. I've heard that having kids will teach you patience. Maybe I could rent one for a day. Anyway, my resolution is to learn to swim in the open water like a BAMF. If B.o.B. the world's most awesomest Swimmer has any advice on the matter, I would love to hear it!!!!!
I love Casey's idea to rent a kid for a day to learn patience! LOL!
Also, that Flintstones reference is awesome! I can totally see an episode they'd make with the bird on your wrist!
I too need to work on my patience, I flip the eff out when I'm driving sometimes, like this morning for instance when all the idiots here in Michigan suddenly forgot how to drive in snow. Seriously?!?!?
Welcome to the 20th Century Garmin world… the 305 is pretty good… I liked mine alot… till I left it in a hotel room in Orlando.
flexibility – that is my 2012 goal.. and flexibility requires patience… I, like you want it now… I want to do stretching intervals and "tempo flexibility" and work my long stretches up to 3 hours (I know… hold on there tiger)… it's slow going but I think it's what I need to do so I can keep running into my 50s and 60s
I am finally, slowly getting caught up on blogs. Hooray for the new Garmin. Birds are bad at keeping pace. I also like your year in review format. I may use pieces of that as I make mine.
I use an older 305 for running too (thanks to a tri-friend). It is fantastic. I jumped up to that from a Polar SD so the Wonderful World of Geepus is new to me. Sounds like an AWESOME Christmas!