Saturday AM me, Cute K, Speedy Jess, and Strawberry E hit up our long runs in a local neighborhood and had pretty good runs. I didn’t feel quite as good on this 18 miler as I did on the 20 miler last week, but we made it though and kept an average 8:55/mile pace. I’ll take it.
Saturday night, me and Big Sis met some friends out for dinner at a cute little tapas restaurant. Not gonna lie though, I prefer an entire meal. Just call me the fatty who needs more food. Ha ha.
Then on Sunday I hit up the pool with a group of friends from the BRA and a wonderful coach who just so happens to have a very prestigious background in swimming. As in OLYMPICS! I totally took advantage of having her and she gave us a great work out. Since I haven’t been in the pool since the summer she took it easy on me but said, “You know B.o.B., you are a swimmer. A couple more weeks and you have a swim partner.” She meant Navy Steve who is an Ironman and has become a force in the pool. Again, I’ll take it.
So in the midst of trying to get in more crazy crosstraining, Jessica from Cuban Running Crisis, invited me to a spin class with the crazy bikes that actually lean to either side. You can watch a video of it here. Don’t let those people fool you though. That lean action is NOT as easy as they make it appear.
In the words of Gwen Stefani, “this shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S.”
I was probably one of the worst in the class. So sad. The problem was that in order to stand and “jump” your bike was supposed to stay fairly stable and not wobble. Well, my bike was like a damn weeble. It was all over the place. The instructor said it has to do with your core stability. Oy. My core must be made of jello. Thus to compensate I had to turn the resistance waaaay up and then I could barely peddle. Needless to say, I got a killer work out and had a blast with Jessica and one of her buds. Note to self: Beware of Cubans inviting you to new types of workouts.
Me and Jessica smiling in this completely posed photo. Had this been during the class I may have flipped off the camera for mocking me.
Thank You
On a final more serious note, I felt it necessary to say thank you to the men and women who serve and protect us every single day in law enforcement. I’m not sure if you all have seen the tragedy that ocurred yesterday in St Pete, Florida, but if not go here for the timeline. As I run with several folks in law enforcement I felt it prudent to let them know how much I appreciate all that they do. These folks put their lives on the line day in and day out. What happened yesterday is just awful and my heart goes out to the friends and family of those who lost their lives. Please remember those who have lost their lives in the line of duty and that they are here to make our cities and towns safer.
Those bikes def look bananas! Great job getting your workouts in this weekend girl, you are so going to rock this marathon!
HA, never bring a knife to a gunfight!
I can't believe we even managed those smiles when the photo was posed, honestly? Nice reminder to thank our officers! It's so sad when officers are shot in the line of duty. Yesterday they were also having the memorial for the two officers who were shot in Miami. It was a sad day!!
That was quite a weekend! And that's an awesome long run pace! You're so lucky that the swim is your thing. You've got the swim and the run down and if you master that crazy bike thing the tri is yours this year!
Wait, bikes that lean? No thank you! Hahahah.
Part of me wants to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, but I'm not sure if zombies could help me get through the style of writing.
And I think I'm totally going to get a headlamp. I'll take dorky over mauled any day of the week.
spin class is bananas. and girl – that's why you order 4 different tapas for yourself. no sharing!
ummm yikes about that timeline/situation. what is with people? what drives them to do such stupid crap?
I wish I loved to swim – can you please send some love up my way?? 🙂
I'm also SO thankful for everyone who works in law enforcement (fire department, serves our Country, etc.) They don't get thanked enough – thanks for sharing this (even though it was very sad!).
That's awesome Beth!! Yes I'll tell you how jealous I am.. you all have great support out there Don't ever FORGET IT! Or you could be running with the ground hogs like me.. and swimming in solitude 🙂
Keeping yourself in shape while being accompanied by friends sure is a fun thing to do, since it motivates you to work harder than ever. I also feel your sentiments for the law enforcement unit and the sacrifices they've made for you guys to live safe for days to come.