Sorry this post is a little later than normal but I’ve been waiting all day, er should I say, stalking all day, the blog, Life of An Aspiring Triathlete.
Lovely Lindsay, over at Chasing the Kenyans, nominated me for The Athlete’s Plate. This is a wonderful post that Jason of the above mentioned blog does where he creates a menu inspired by bloggers.
I’m sooooo excited! The menu is amazing. It incorporates many items that I LOVE. He’s got pizza, coffee, green beans (always have them in my pantry!), hummus, and coffee. Did I mention coffee? Heh. I do so love it!
Oh my goodness, just look at those Florida Orange Jam and Chocolate-Hazelnut Turnovers!!! I’m drooling.
Today I am thankful for the wonderful menu created by an awesome athlete. Thanks Jason!
What are you thankful for today?
There's a deadline for blog post? Hmmmmmmmmm beer and chips would be on my plate!
Man, everything there looks so tasty! Happy Thursday!
ps. emailing you now, finally… 🙂
Yum! Looks delicious!
you're welcome.
and i'm with ken – we are so busy working our adult jobs we don't keep tabs on whether you post at the same time everyday 😉
i was really hoping he'd incorporate your hair clogged drains somehow, dang.
that's so cool, I'll head over to check it out.
Today I'm thankful that my husband and I get to take over the lease (we're subleasing now) on our apartment at the end of February so we have an apt till June of 2012! I hate moving in NYC!
i'm thankful that today – which started well then got really ugly at work – ended on an okay note. 🙂
Jason rocks. I would totally eat at your place! 🙂
I'm thankful for catching up on blogs and yours is one of them. You always make me smile. 🙂