Yes, I know this is late but I wanted to write the recap after I had time to think on it. And see the final results and such. Oh and also because I wanted more time to gloat.
I’ve been dying to run a 5K since my last one and yet I always put them off because quite frankly, they scare the bajeezus out of me. I think most long distance runners feel this way. For some reason the 5K freaks us right out. Due to the balls to the wall style of running it’s nerve racking. There is no “pace” and there is no “well I’ll pick it up at the back half.” It’s a race that I’m in sheer panic about before the start. Nervous laughter and chatter abound. Oh and the PC’s are on a whole new level.
This Turkey Trot 5K was no different.
First though…the back story.
A friend and I started a challenge somewhere before Ragnar and I’m not quite sure how it came about. All I know is that there was smack talking and it made me even more nervous for this 5K. Although, I of course, played it cool and had inner panic attacks. Ha ha.
So on Thursday morning I woke early and headed to the race which was held at a local high school. While driving, a good omen came by way of Eye of the Tiger on the radio. I sang nervously and stopped at McDonald’s due to aforementioned PC’s. Heh.
Once I got there I met up with P-Funk, Cay-See, Shorty Shorts, Pastor Paul, Cute K, Mike D and his gal W, a few others. We all milled about and did some warm up jogging. It looked like a nice sized race, although I couldn’t really tell how many folks were there. I was happy to see that the finish brought you into the high school’s track. And we all know how I love the track.
Our group headed to the start and the race director had folks who were fast move toward the front. This is where Shorty Shorts and Mike D left us. Damn speedies. Then the majority of us hung together toward the front but not quite as close as the 19 minute 5Kers. Actually I think this is where my buddy looked at me and said something to the effect of us being way too close to the front. I agreed but thought “oh well, they can just jump over my panting, dying body.”
And then the start.
As I ran forward at an entirely too fast pace my buddy said, “You realize we are running 6:40’s?” or something like that. I can’t remember exactly because I was in race mode in my mind. I believe I nodded and kept going.
As we hit mile 1, I looked around and didn’t see him. Nor did I see any of my other buds. I looked down and saw a 7:15 mile. Uh-oh. B.o.B. is going to crap out in another mile. Or vomit. Or suck total wind. B.o.B. is a maniac. (I think of myself in the third person when I’m stressed sometimes.)
The course itself wasn’t great, but it wasn’t awful either. There were some sidewalks, some grass, and a few curbs that I could have done without, not to mention all of the acorns that lie in wait for a good old fashioned ankle twisting. Suck it acorns!
Mile 2 came up and it was around 7:15 again although I was getting tired I kept asking myself, “B.o.B. can you keep this up? Are you going to be pissed at the end if you slow down?” And I answered myself. “Yes. And yes.”
I was certain that my buddy was going to wait until we were close to the finish and then force me into a full on sprint. I refused to look behind me and didn’t want to bust my butt doing so. There was a woman who I was with for most of the race who refused to let me pass her. Had I known the final results of the race I would have forced myself to. Lesson learned there.
As we got closer to the school’s stadium and track I could see the runners around me getting tired. I was tired as well, but I again asked, “If you finish and have gas left in the tank will you be furious?” And I answered myself. “Yes.”
The race came into the high school track and I could see the finish. We ran about 3/4 of the track and the race was over. I heard Mike D yelling for me and I was still waiting for him, but he never showed. Surprisingly, as I finished a woman behind me said, “I think we were 4th and 5th women.”
What the crap?
I was so worried about being passed that I didn’t think to see who I needed to pass. Oy. What a dumbass. That’s pronounced doo-mas.
Sure enough, I came in 4th place overall amongst the women. And not for nothing, but there were over 400 women in this race. I had no idea. Granted, it wasn’t the biggest Turkey Trot in the area and probably had more casual runners, but it’s the best I have ever placed overall at a race by myself.
I’m certain there is a lesson here. If it weren’t for my little side bet I may not have pushed as hard as I did. So in a sense, I thank that dumbass who raced me for the challenge, even if it has now turned into a series.
Please note Shorty Shorts photo bombing us. LOL!
New 5K PR: 22:25
Kudos to all of my running buds who did amazing! Cute K had a PR and 1st in her age group, Mike D also had a PR (and was hungover). BRA represent!
Wow! That is so awesome! You rock! Of course, we all knew that 🙂
DAAAANNG! And to not vomit….you are my hero! haha
All that hard work has paid off my friend! Good job, we're proud of you. Hollster
yay-uhh! go b.o.b! 4th overall! shoulda tripped a ho to get 3rd 😉 congrats!
Congrats on your awesome finish and new PR!!!
Way to go Boo!!! I knew you'd PR with those speedy legs you've discovered!!! Congrats!!!
Love Shorty-shorts photo bomb! LOL!
Terrific PR, you're getting fast and you like Leslie Nielson! Where were you when I was 16?
Yes, I know probably in kindergarten 🙁
Congrats….nice PR!
Awesome job you!! I haven't run a 5k in almost 3 yrs and I will never forget how I thought my lungs would fly out of my mouth. I'd much rather spread my pain over 26.2 LOL!!
Nice shiny new PR. Great job.
Looks like you had fun.
That was a blast, even if I was 60/40 the whole time. You rocked it!
4th overall. That's pretty outstanding!