Hey friends! I haven’t blogged since last week cause I’ve been taking a little blog break. I hope you all noticed. (Wait, you weren’t blogging?) Ha. Ha.
I watched some movies recently so I figured I’d give you all some mini-reviews before I jump into the marathon madness.
In keeping with my Halloween mood (AKA I LOVE HALLOWEEN) I have decided to watch scary movies only for the month of October. My apologies if you don’t watch the scary stuff.
The Movies
1. The Last Exorcism. Skip. This. Movie. They seriously just gave up at the end of this film and it’s such a dumb ending that it’s not even worth renting it. Lame with a capital L.
2. Case 39. Pretty decent. The little girl in the film is awesomely creepy and Renee Z. does a good job at screaming and being scared. I enjoyed this one. It won’t end up in my top 10, but it wasn’t bad.
3. Let Me In. Go. See. This. Movie. This movie had such a different perspective and twist on the vampire genre. I loved it.
4. Let The Right One In. I am such a total nerd that after I saw Let Me In, I had to watch the original, which is Swedish. The American version was scarier and surprisingly, I liked it more. This isn’t always the case when foreign films are adapted. Although, this is totally worth watching as well.
That’s all I have thus far. I’ll get to more reviews as I continue my scary movie-a-thon. Speaking of a-thons, my marathon is in 20 days!!! EEEEK! I’m getting nervous. The marathon on the brain madness is sucking me in.
I’m going bonkers trying to nail down a goal. I know, I know. This isn’t a PR marathon. This is a enjoy-the-sights-and-have-fun-marathon. Go ahead and tell that to my Type A brain.
However, upon looking at the elevation chart for MCM and speaking with Coach EK, me thinks I’ll be better off doing what I initially set out to do for this race…HAVE FUN! Not to mention, I need to be healthy two weeks after MCM for Ragnar. A crazy girl’s work is never done….
Happy Tuesday.
I loved Let the Right One In so much that I've been skeptical about going to see Let Me In, although nearly everything I've heard has been positive. LTROI had such a creepy atmosphere, what with the Swedish gloom and the boy's ghastly paleness and the vampire's otherworldliness. And I agree, it's take on the vampire genre was quite refreshing.
Good luck at MCM.
i looooove scary movies.
i have not seen any of those…but i want too!
So all vampires aren't teenagers? I'm not big on scary movies anymore, you know the kind where people get old and die…………….. ha
Please please spoil the Last Exorcism for me. I can't watch these kind of movies but want to know what happened at the end so I live vicariously through people like you. I had to have someone spoil Cloverfield for me. Thx!
You've been running so strong that maybe you'll have fun AND surprise the crap out of yourself when you PR. But I think having fun as your #1 goal is an unbeatable strategy!
I'm loving your list of movies…I've seen them twice..