Swimming Tips and Tricks: Part I

As a person with a swimming background, you all know I’m comfortable in the water. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of tips on how to make you more comfortable. That comfort level comes with time in the water. I had to learn this on the bike. No amount of thinking...
I heart bloggers.

I heart bloggers.

Last night I was invited to attend a blogger meet up at a local running store, The Running Center, hosted by my favorite Cuban runner, Jessica. I may have mentioned this before but I heart bloggers. The local Tampa Bay bloggers are a very sweet and diverse group....
Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday friends! I got in my first-over-ten-mile-Jacksonville-Marathon-training-run on Saturday and it was great. I ran with my running buddy from the old hood, Kristen. We started really early to beat the heat and Kristen was nice enough to travel my way...
Friday Confessions

Friday Confessions

I haven’t confessed my sins in a while and I figured I have a few good ones to share with you guys today. Feel free to make me feel better in the comments by telling me some of yours. 1. I had to delete Candy Crush from my phone and iPad. After the S.O. told me...
Long Duck Dong

Long Duck Dong

What’s a happenin’ hot stuff? I’ve been a sporadic, at best, blogger lately. I just haven’t had anything new to say really and I only assume that’s what happens when life gets busy and you’ve been writing a blog for four years....
Scenic 17 Sprint Triathlon Race Report

Scenic 17 Sprint Triathlon Race Report

Oh hi. This report is way late. I have no excuse other than being lazy. Ha! Before I get started I have to apologize for the lack of pictures. You see, I had a Windows phone and I took a ton of pictures but then it took a crap and I had to get a new phone. On the one...