Last week KC from 140.6 Miles of Awesome had this insane brilliant idea to help keep us doing that which we don’t love the most of the tri events. She happened upon this idea while realizing that by pairing up with Summer from The Blue Line Runner (who is also in on this challenge) she could be held accountable for not swimming as much as she should, she loves the swim about as much as I love the bike.

Thus, the Do What You Like Least Challenge was born.

Here’s how it works, and I invite you to play along. You must either swim, bike, or run at least five times in ONE week. The five days do not have to be consecutive and we’re not giving specific dates for the challenge just that you do it by year’s end.

Here are the minimum distances:

Bike – 12 miles

Swim – 1,600 M (1 mile)

Run – 5K

Weight Training – 30 minutes each session*

I know that most of us have trouble getting in our workouts for our upcoming races as it is, let alone getting in five of the ones we don’t looooove. But, I am going to put on my big girl panties and attempt this challenge.

Since today is a holiday I’ll be hitting the trails with Dolly. I would like to make this week my DWYLLC and get it over with, but we’ll see if I can do it. I’ll try to snap some photos at my ride so that IF I finish the challenge I’ve got photographic proof. Uh, and also to keep me honest.

The prize for this challenge is that you get more practice in the area that you need help in. That’s it. I personally need this reward and will most certainly benefit. However, if that isn’t enough, check back to this here blog tomorrow for a fun give away.

Have a great Labor Day!

*We added weight training and I may try this one too. I don’t hate it, but I should could use 5 days of it!