Friday night the Redhead came to town and we shared our usual pasta dinner a la Lady and the Tramp. Guess which one of us is the tramp? I kid, I kid. But we did enjoy our pasta while we chuckled at Young Frankenstein. “That’s Fronkensteen!”
We were up dark and early on Saturday morning and got into our costumes. Redhead, a zombie runner, and I a runaway bride. Heh. We carpooled with Big L and Dr. N, a lovely couple who recently joined the BRA. Dr. N was initially just there to get in her training miles but wound up having a HUGE PR. Big L was there as a loving hubby and sherpa.
(Me, Dr. N, Redhead, and Maddy)Upon arrival we found Maddy and got our chips and numbers. My dear friend and training buddy, P-Funk, showed up as a surprise and rooted us all on. D, from Women’s Running Magazine and several other BRA members were out to race as well.
Initially my plan was to just have fun. I told the Redhead I was nervous as I hadn’t run over 10 miles since before the ankle injury. She told me not worry and so I figured I wouldn’t. My plan was to stay with Dr. N and just take it easy. Well, that plan was not to come to full fruition.
Dr. N and I stuck together, cruising at about a 9:40 minute mile pace, until mile 6. At this point I just felt great. I felt really relaxed and wanted to speed up a bit. I bid Dr. N adieu as I knew she had it in the bag for a monster (hee hee) PR herself. 40 minute PR what what!!
I looked at my Garmin and was running fairly comfortable at an 8:30 minute mile. WTF? I figured it was a fluke and I’d just see how long I could hold it. Well, wouldn’t you know it, I came up on mile 8 and just kept cruising. I recently read an article in Women’s Running about repeating three motivating words in your head during a race. I figured I’d give it a shot. I picked my three words and kept repeating them in my head. Strong. Tough. Powerful. Strong. Tough. Powerful.
At about mile 8.5 I was surprised to see the Redhead. She had gone ahead of Dr. N and I at mile 3. I knew she was struggling or else she would have been much farther ahead. When I saw her she said she was feeling very sick and nauseated. I hated to keep going, but she said she’d be ok so I continued on. (Her report is here.)
I see someone running toward me and look down and notice those odd running shoes that look like toe-socks. I think to myself, “Is that who I think it is?”
He nods and we high five and I am excited that I have met the amazing blogger Jamoosh. He was pacing his SIL and they were running strong. Lots of bloggy love at this race for sure!
It was hot. The back 5 or so miles had zero coverage and the sun was beating down on everyone. By mile 10, I was a bit worried but knew I could finish strong. I wasn’t sure how long I could go before I had to make a potty stop. I kept up the pace and chicked a fair amount of dudes. Heh. That term cracks me up.
At mile 11 I hit the bathroom and realized that I could finish with a pretty nice PR if I picked up the pace a bit. I thought I could possibly break 2 hours but the potty stop set me back a few.
As I got to mile 12 I was still feeling fairly strong. I kept repeating my words and picking off dudes. Did I mention it was hot? I met up with some really speedy looking women and trailed them for about a quarter mile. Then at about the 12.5 mile mark I just kicked it in. I don’t know what came over me and where this mojo came from but I had one of the strongest race finishes to date.
My final official time was 2:01:33 (UPDATED: I had the clock time before 2:02:05, not the chip time, duh). My previous half marathon was a 2:09:22.
I just had one of those races. I felt good the entire time, despite the stifling heat, and really needed this as a post-injury confidence boost.
Post race celebration could have used a bit more oomph and the race certainly could have use more water stations, but I was in post race PR bliss and enjoyed the dumb donuts and Gatorade. (Where the hell is the Coca-Cola people?!?!)
After the race my little Redhead headed back to O-town, still feeling quite under the weather. My sister and I headed to the Tampa Bay Lightning game. After the game we hit up a fabulous Halloween party and I was up for a full twenty four hours! To say I am a bit punchy right now would be an understatement. It really was a tremendous Halloween. Hope yours was too!For your viewing pleasure, I just felt the need to show you this guy from last night’s party. Yeah baby! Yeah! UPDATE #2: The race director, Chris, commented that I did in fact win the Best Beauty award AND the cokes never got put out. I appreciate his follow up and will certainly be back for more of their races.
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! So great meeting you, but what about that PR! Way to go – I am duly impressed. Now I will have high expectations for you at Tampa 2010. I heard the Runaway Bride won a costume prize – was that you?
I didn't stick around, so it must have been the other bride. Great meeting you and well done with that pacing!
Hey, Costume prize, B.o.B.?!?! That had to be YOU. I didn't see any other Runaway Brides. Best pick up your prize!
I'm a "dear friend"?! Awwww, shucks!!
I have 3 words that I use to. I read it somewhere and when times get hard during the race, I repeat: "Smooth, fast, efficient". It has a nice ring to it. I didn't know anyone else did to!
Sorry I missed the party…and Mr. Booty-Fabulous above. Night ended kind of lame. Ended up watching scary movies for the "cagilienth" time!
Congrats again on a terrfic race!! I'm glad I was there to see that strong finish!! I swear, folks, she was sprinting the last 1/2 mile. Who does that….especially after coming back from an injury!!
Obviously, I don't know how to use the word "too" properly.
So sooo glad you had a wonderful race, it makes me feel better to know that even though a few of us suffered this weather can still result in a great day.
yeah, glad you had such and awesome race and no probs with your ankle.
great race runaway bride
Congrats on the PR!!! I use, "Fast, Fluid, Form"
Awesome PR, and in the heat no less. Way to go, and super cute costume!
YIPPEE!! Congrats!!
"I kept repeating my words and picking off dudes." Love it baby. Focus and take out the fellas..
WHOOO HOOO! Way to go on the PR girl!
Great race report, congrats on such a strong race, and in the heat to boot!
Congrats on the PR!!! That's awesome!!!
Congrats on the PR! This is why we love racing! And loved both the pics! Very cool you had a bloggy meet-up with Jamoosh! What an awesome Halloween! 🙂
You are the cutest runaway bride every!! congrats on the PR.
Congrats on a sweet PR! And that picture is just creepy. Not the runaway bride pic, but rather the booty pic. Halloween indeed.
Congrats on the PR … and Um coulda done w/o that last pic! lol
SO FRIGGING PROUD OF YOU BOO!!! I KNEW you had it in you!!! 🙂
And seriously, you B.o.B'd me. Let the record state I created that term and it should be used when B.o.B leaves you in the dust. 🙂
It was great to meet you!
I'm so glad you had a fantastic race!
Congratulations on your PR! Well done!
looks like a lot of fun congrats on the PR. 🙂
Great job on the PR!! You deserved an awesome race! You all had really cute costumes too!
Beth – thanks for joining us for our Inaugural Halloween Halfathon. Major CONGRATS on running so strong in challenging conditions and setting a massive PR.
You did in fact win the Best Beauty Costume Award – and now seeing the photo, I can understand why. Another congrats! Your award will be mailed out in the next few days.
Not that it matters now, but the Coke, Diet Coke, and Sprite were nice and cold, in our refrigerated beer trailer. Unfortunately, it never got pulled out, obviously a significant glitch on our part.
Thanks again for joining us and hope you will return for another one of our upcoming races.
Congrats on your PR!!!!!! Good job!
VERY NICE! Congrats on the huge PR and wining the beauty costume contest! Very wlel-deserved!
Hehe, LOVE your costume! And that is a major PR, girl! Great job out there! You are SO back, baby! 😉
Glad that you got a huge pr!!! 🙂 I love those races that pay off and make you feel so great! 🙂
Uber Congrats BOB!
What an awesome PR!! (and in that crappy WTF-it's-the-end-of-October Florida heat, no less!) Redhead told us after our race yesterday that she realized that she had just been passed by the runaway bride. LOL!
You definitely got your mojo back, girl!! Love the runaway bride outfit… just perfect!!
that sounds like so much fun! see, you make running sound fun!!! 🙂
I'm now sitting here in Southern California pouting away. Sounds like everyone who was someone was there! I missed out!
Great job on the PR too! Seven minutes is huge! I'm starting to think that there is something to this whole less is more training methodolgy. Quite a few I know have been setting PRs after forced down time for injuries.
The photo of the gang is great! Thanks for sharing! And shame on the Coke folks. Isn't Gatorade a Coke product?
Congratulations on your PR AND your costume win!! Thanks for helping me with my costume, too – pretty cool that that was you. You were so cheerful and strong at that point (and that was about half way) it was DEFINITELY your day! What a major PR!
Hope to see you again. Your articles for Creative Loafing are wonderful – I loved the relationship with running one especially – it's brilliant!
Congrats on a great race!!
Congrats on the PR! I laughed so hard just thinking about the fact that you were a runaway bride and you accomplished a PR as a runaway bride! Hmmm…. lol. Awesome! 🙂
Look at you winning contests and stuff. Way to be.
Congrats on the PR!
due to a hella-busy workweek, i am very very late to this party, but i just want you to know i am so stoked for you and your new pr! way to go, beth! you are awesome!!!!
lol i kinda like how much different your report is from the redhead's… maybe it has to do with the fact that she was a devil zombie and you were a beautiful, sweet bride. loved the costume, btw!
congrats on a freakin 8-minute pr!!! that's awesome!
So I finally got to reading your race report! Congrations on your monster PR!!! Yay for you B.O.B. It seemed as if the runaway bride stole the show! Hahaha…Great times!