Happy Father’s Day peeps! Today, in honor of my dad who passed away 2 years ago, my sister and I ran a 5K together. As we are the only siblings, my dad always used to tell us, “You two only have each other.” He would often tell us this when we were arguing as only little girls can. We have learned much from this statement and could not be closer. She is definitely my best friend.
The image on it is so typical him. He had such a great sense of humor and it came through in his drawings. It features his favorite things, the Gators and a motorcycle with his racing number. I so love that it says “No guts, no glory.”
We wore them today for the “Run Through Hell 5K.”
Oh and hell it was. I told myself ahead of time that I probably wouldn’t PR (personal record) because it was going to be very hot and a trail run. The race started at 8, which any Floridian will tell you, is already humid and warm.
We got going and my first mile was pretty fast (8 min approx.). I figured that if I could get the first mile before we got to the real trail part done quickly then I could pull it back some for the remaining 2 miles. I think this plan worked and helped me get through the next two miles which were through trees, a wooden bridge, and some very narrow trail. It was so narrow that you had to hope you got behind someone running a good pace because there was no passing.
Actually, I ran behind a kid who was maybe 9 or 10. The little racer would not let me pass him! I would speed up and so would he. When we finally got to the final sprint, he blew my doors off. It was pretty funny and always impressive when a mini-racer kicks your butt.
My final time was (according to my Garmin) 25:38, beating my last PR of 26:42! I was shocked. And elated. But there’s more! I came in third in my age group and got a sweet mug. I’ve never placed at a race and am pretty stoked about it. My friends are already joking that I am going to have that mug in my window like the leg lamp on A Christmas Story. I would so never do that…
Congratulations!! It's a tough course, and in this weather – an outstanding accomplishment. Wait and see how fast you go in a race entirely on roads.
Coach EK
I love the shirt, what a great tribute to your Dad! I know how hot it was here in SC at 8:00, I can't imagine what it was like down in FL! Great job on the PR and drink out of that mug with pride!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Congrats on your race!
congrats on the pr and ag award! (in the heat no less!) awards are always exciting 🙂 you'll definitely need to start a trophy room soon.
love the shirts – awesome tribute to dad.
great tribute to your dad with those shirts.
and congrats on your race! well done!
What a great tribute to your dad. The shirts are super cute! My father always tells my sister and I that we only have each other too.
LOVE the shirt! I bet your Dad was stoked! 🙂 Great race too, Hell's to the Yeah for getting that PR!!!!
That's great!?!
Love the shirts 🙂
The shirts were a great idea! I love it!!
Great job on the PR!!! That is awesome!! Way to go!!! Congrats!!!
Great idea…and good job on the 5k! 🙂
Congrats on a PR in difficult weather! Great shirt–what a nice way to honor your father.
What a gorgeous t-shirt and well-done, you!
Congratulations to you! What a great way to honor your father's memory! 🙂
That's so awesome you and your sister did that. Such a great way to honor your dad. It'll be two years this November since my dad passed away.
And what to go on your PR! 🙂
great tribute to your dad, also with your sister! Nice PR too!
What an awesome, awesome day all around! PR, your sis, the fabulous "Dad" shirts, the Leg Lamp Mug! Great job, and a great tribute.
I lived in G-ville for two years – in Golfview, a neighborhood a block from the Law School. We always knew it was time to start walking (with beer and cigars) to Ben Hill G Stadium when we heard the "Bluuuueeee! Orrrraaannggee! Bluuuuueeeee!" chant go up. Hell yeah, Dad – GO GATORS!! 😉
That is so great that you did something to honor your dad!! And beat a personal record as well! Congrats!!
Congrats!!Da na na na na. Goooooo Gators. Come on gators get up and go!!!
Wow! Great tribute to your dad and congrats on running a great race and grabbing an award. Your father would have been proud! Awesome job. Well done!
LOVE the shirt!!!