The bridge and path to the seven mile loop was flooded because of all of the crazy rain last week. So I have to stop. Ugh. I successfully get off my bike and wade across with all of the other nut jobs. Since we were there we figured, might as well get a ride in. I then have some wobbly attempts at starting again since we are going up a small hill. Of course, I’m totally in the wrong gear but I get going again with no whammies.
We finally get pedaling along and I feel pretty good. No whammies, I’m feeling a little taxed in my thighs but not too bad and I’m actually getting some good speed. And then, guess what? Another stinking high water spot. Ugh. Only this time, whammy. I slow down and unclip my right foot but for some reason my left foot instinctively wants to touch the ground. No go. It’s clipped in and thus pulls me over. I land on my poor left hip. Again. As I curse like a sailor my riding buds check to see if I’m ok. I am. Sort of. I’m actually shaky, sad, and pissed.
At this point I decide I don’t want to ride that much anymore. I only want to finish the loop and get the hell outta there. I get back on the bike after some chit chat with Kris, who stayed with me thank God! We go about another two miles and I have to stop again to cross the final water obstacle. Kris yells back in a nurturing tone, “Think about what you’re doing.” Which is what I did and I had success getting off this time, but after I crossed the water and was looking at a mile back to the car with the possibility of falling in front of parking lot full of people, I threw in the towel. I let Dolly win. If I try to be anything on this blog, it’s honest. And honestly, I just lost the nerve and gumption to get back on the proverbial horse. My will to ride was shot and I proceeded to have a one mile walk of shame back to the car. It was sad actually. A few times I stopped and thought about how ridiculous I was being and to just get back on the damn bike, but I just couldn’t. My brain kept saying, “Nope. We’re done.” I finally got back to the car and the other riders got back a couple of minutes after I did. One gentleman told me he fell today too. I told him I made that mile walk back and he said, “You’re being awful hard on yourself.” And of course, he was right. I let my nerves get the best of me and I’m beating myself up about the damn clips. After all of this, I needed a drink. I called up my roomie and he met me for a much needed margarita. I told him my woes and he reminded me of how I met a lot of obstacles before in my quest to become an athlete and this was just another I’d have to overcome. He’s also right. I suppose I just need to continue sucking it up and getting out. And probably adding in more rides where all I do is stop and start. It’s not easy doing something that you know is probably going to lead to a whammy. I am going to give myself credit for getting this far. Clips are not easy. This is like teaching an old dog new tricks. The way I’ve ridden a bike for my entire life is being overhauled and I’m sure it’ll take some time. I love how fast I feel when I get going in the clips, the ability to use the “pull” is awesome. If only I didn’t have to stop. My main concern at this point is falling during a race. Oh my lord, can you imagine? Sheesh. I guess the worst case scenario at this point is that if I still don’t feel comfortable before the next sprint tri, I take them off. I want to use them, I truly do and I definitely don’t want to come off as a whiner here cause lots of people fall. But my shakiness on the bike coupled with the scariness of the clips is presenting a big challenge for me. All I can do is my best. And practice, practice, practice.
There is nothing quite like the highs and lows of endurance sports to make one reflect on why we participate in these activities. Let’s recap shall we?
Saturday morning I woke up for a 5K that brought me a PR and a big trophy last year. I was nervous, as per usual, and not quite sure how I’d run considering I have been more focused on the swimming and biking then the running as of late.
I met up with Shorty Shorts, his buddy T-Dub, and Big Sis and chatted for a bit before the race start. I wanted to break 22 minutes but after going out way too fast the first mile I knew I was gonna run out of gas. I wound up running a 22:22, which is a 3 second PR. I’ll take it. I also came in first in my age group and got that big trophy again (one of the reasons I do this race is cause they have the best trophies!). In addition, I got two five dollar gift cards, one for Starbuck’s and one for Subway. This would be my high of the weekend, with regards to sports.
I felt good and headed to the beach as the Florida weather was gorgeous! On Sunday I got my recovery run in before heading to that paved bike trail I mentioned before. I met up with my buddies Kris and Tish and three male riders who I just met. All super nice people who shared with me that they too had some fall-down-go-boom issues with the clips.
Now due to my previous falls and wonki-ness, I am nervous before I even get on the bike. My palms are sweating and my heart is racing before I even put my helmet on. I let the other folks ride ahead and have a successful attempt at getting going. Whew. We ride about a mile to the official trail start and then we get to this:
Ok so first kudos to you on your race!!!! I'm sorry to hear about the fall! If it were me I know I would be falling too!!! Keep practicing! You'll be great!
Congrats again on your PR and first place victory! You are getting so fast! I think a sub 22 5k is around the corner. Sorry about your fall. I like how the BBD parking lot at Flatwoods is conveniently located next to a Chili's. Nothing cures a bruised hip and ego like a little Cuervo Gold, salt and lime juice!
congrats on that awesome PR!!! woooooo hoooooo! as for the bike, all i can say is, i've been there. you will look back on this and laugh. i promise. hang in there! and i look forward to riding with you!
Congrats on your PR! That is wicked fast!
Dont' worry too much about your ride. It was only one day and you'll be back out there again. Sometimes we can only take so much and you'll try again another day. I hate falling on the bike. I've learned to clip both feet out after having several of those falling the wrong way incidents. I think you're awesome! You're my total idol in so many ways!
First things first, congrats on the new PR and AG award! Woot!!! Gotta love getting some PR when you're not even full no training!
Now as for the bike, just keep at it girl, like roomie reminded you, you've come up against obstacles before and you always prevailed. Remember when Old Wonky had you shaking in your boots before runs, especially hills? Now look at you, you don't let him stop you. Mind over matter my dear and if all else fails, don't clip.
Wow, congrats on the PR!! You totally rocked that 5k! Now, upload some pics of the trophy! 🙂
Like everyone else has said, don't stress too much about the bike. You'll get there – trust me. I have taken MANY a fall on my bike and I still freak out when I go down huge hills. Just like anything, it takes practice.
PS – at least you got a margarita out of it! 🙂
I love the 22:22!!
Awesome job on the PR!!
COngrats on your PR.
Now get out there and practice TONS of clipping. Once it becomes habit, you'll be FINE.
I think I would love Du's, but they are NOT EVEN an option for me at this point because I have NO coordination and Im a fraidie cat! So YOU are AWESOME for trying it. You will get it, just like Morgan said it will come and you hurdled the first obstacle in my book and thats just trying… Thats an achievement right there! Be proud of yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone…. BTW CONGRATS ON THE PR!!!! Ahhh, to see a 22 ANYTHING would make my YEAR!
First, great race. Second… I know falling is my big fear too (2x so far both at an intersection in front of cars… praying no one got out to help me… good thing everyone here is rude, so no one did). Maybe you are getting it all out of your system and won't fall at the race.
I puked at the finish line of the Cherry Blossom 10-miler yesterday… pretty sure over 300+ people saw it… and I am POSITIVE they got a picture of it. How bad can it really be, right? At least I ran it, not spectated it.
We shall brave our bikes together, babe! Chin up!
Awesome PR girl! Great job! I'm envious of your speed!
Just keep doing what you're doing with the bike. It will feel smoother eventually! 🙂
Gift cards AND a trophy? Totally jealous.
Those bikes can be scary! I used my mom's fancy race bikes with the clips in a race last year and I was soooo terrified I would fall at one of the turnarounds, but I didn't. And you won't either.
Try to remember how daunting riding a regular bike must have been to little B.o.B. But you figured it out and it's nothing now. It's the same with the clips.
Congrats on the PR! Outstanding!
Speaking of falling, have you seen this ? Now get back up on your bike you sissy.
Congrats on the new PR!
I'm impressed that you are riding with clips! I'm too nervous about falling without them to even try them out.