So since I have been travelling and experiencing a lot that is running, I have noticed several things about running and runners that I wanted to discuss with you all.

First off, runners are great. No really, we are ah-mazing. Pats on the back all around! Everyone I have met within the running community has been great. I met a woman named Helen on the plane back from Chicago and we just went on and on about how positive the running community is. I met gobs of runners in Detroit who were just so pumped about running, I couldn’t help but be happy, excited, and nervous for them all at the same time.

I think it’s the endorphins. Runners are kind, happy folks and I am proud to be part of this group (go me!).

That alone is enough to make someone come back for more. Even if this article says different. I get what the article is saying about this marathon thing being a bit of a trend, a bit of a passing craze, but to those of us who love it, we’re sticking around.

Second thing I wanted to discuss with you all was the use of the word “just”. I worked at the Detroit Marathon expo and was saddened to hear so many runners say “just the half” when asked which race they were doing. They said it as if they were ashamed of it. Come on people it’s still 13 miles! Yes, I too fall victim to the the “just this many miles” or the “just that many miles” but we are ALL champs.

Bottom line, no matter how many miles we log, getting out there and pounding the pavement, staying healthy, and staying strong are what it’s all about. (Walkers, I am talking to you too!)

Sure it’s “just” a small number when you are used to logging big digits during serious training mode but it’s still mileage. I’ll give “just” a pass in this case, but no gold star.

Be proud of your 5K, 10K, 15K and half marathons! I know from now on I am going to be more aware of when that word “just” hops into my speech. I have done it too and promise to work on it myself.

Lastly, can you tell that I am feeling the love right now? I am on some weird post travel high and there is more running in sight. I imagine this is what drugs are like. But drugs are bad, mmmkay…

This weekend, the Redhead and I are going to watch Navy Steve do his first Ironman. Holy crap. Ironman. Insanity! GO NAVY!

Then on Sunday I am going to root on my fellow BRA members (from my ‘puter) as they kick serious butt at MCM.

Yay for running! Yay for racing! Yay for healthy! Yay! Yay! Yay!

Yeah, just blame the endorphins.