Love on the rocks
Ain’t no surprise
Pour me a drink
And I’ll tell you some lies
Got nothing to lose
So you just sing the blues all the time
– Neil Diamond
Getting a running injury is similar to a bad break-up. In which you are the dumpee and Running is the dumper. If you have been dumped, you know how much it sucks. If you have never been there, you are one lucky sum-a-beech.
This is basically what happens.
You meet Running and at first you aren’t real impressed with it. It’s a little tough to get to know. But you do. And you start spending a lot of time together. You spend money on Running, taking it out to fancy stores and locations. You woo it with your fancy clothes and gadgets. You even buy it lots of delicious Italian dinners. You fall in love with Running and think it feels the same way about you.
You become obsessed with Running. You think about it all the time. You doodle it’s name with little hearts on your check book while balancing it. (Or just pretending to balance it.) You think you and Running will never break up. You + Running = Forever.
But then it happens.
Running tells you it needs a break. It’s not sure for how long, but it needs time to heal itself. “It’s not you – it’s me,” Running says. You are gobsmacked. You can’t believe it. You put so much time into Running. You gave it everything you had. OK so maybe you were too aggressive with Running, but you thought that is what it wanted.
You enter the break up zone. You either begin to suffer from break-up-rexia or break-up-binging. Both are not pretty. You walk around in sweat pants and sob when you see others pass you with their Running. You try to see other activities. You go out with Biking and Swimming, but they just aren’t the same. The entire time you are with them, you think about Running.
You fear that you will bump into Running everywhere you go and get a bit teary when you see that park where you and Running first met.
Your friends try to console you. They tell you to move on, stay positive. Maybe Running will come back to you. Maybe it did just need time to heal itself.
After a break-up as bad as this, one can only hope.*
*This is the best way to describe a running injury to non-runners. On a happy note the ankle is healing nicely and I got a very, very short run in on Saturday. It looks like Running and I are headed toward reconciliation. Happy Monday all!
I knew you too couldn't be apart for long!
It's a match made in heaven!
Bob and Running sitting in a TREE … heheh
Glad to hear your ankle is doing better!! Love the post!!!
Such a *great* post. This one is definitely going into my favorites so I can pull it out of my back pocket when I need it. After all – it's only a matter of time. The evil thing about running is if you stick with it long enough, you *will* get dumped somewhere along the line….
Well running doesn't really like me and my sickness right now. Running made me hate life and forced me to do two separate (two-hour break) slow runs last night to finish 10 miles, when I wanted to go at least 14 miles. But running will just have to stop moping around and get over it.
I love, love , love this post! I have a tender ankle as well and had to take a couple of days off this week and it is exactally how I felt! You couldn't have put it better!! I'm just getting ready to do an easy run and I hope it goes well! Glad to hear your getting back itno it!
so funny! you have such a way with words…
on another note, my foot feels sooooo much better – thanks for the advice. i did rest it – all last week – and i feel like i can pick back up again. hope you're there soon!
Greatest post ever! I often find myself thinking how running really is like a relationship. You put so much into it, you have miscommunications, trust issues, etc… Last night at CF a coworker was like "How's the love life?" and I laughed and then they said "ok well how's the boyfriend then?" They meant running and I knew this and told them how great Saturday's run was. LOL! I'm so glad the ankle is feeling better and I whole heartedly believe you and Running will make amends soon! Luv ya boo!
This post is THE BEST! What an amazing analogy… soooo true!
But more importantly, I am SO happy that you were able to RUN. Glad to see you two working things out after all. 🙂
This is so true!! It's exactly how it feels when you get injured and can't run for a while!
So glad you were able to do a short run! Maybe this was a short lived breakup! 🙂
WOW! How true is this post?!?! If you love someone set them free, if they come back they're yours if they don't they never were. Or some BS like that.. I'm sure you and Running will be back together in no time. Keep up the positive attitude and take it easy. I'm officially and addict now but I know how slippery that slope is to falling off the wagon. Stay strong and focused and you'll be back.
Great post! Apparently you've finished your little rebound relationship with the bike and you and running are now getting back together . . .??
Sorry I could not respond earlier. I was waiting by the phone for some former girlfriends to wise up and call me to reconcile…..
Oh wait. This is about Running, isn't it? Sorry – my bad.
Great post and perfect analogy.
i know what you mean. i'm happy my hip is finally starting to feel better.
Love this post! You are just too creative!! Glad to see the ankle is starting to heal and you got a little run in, I am sure it felt soooo good!
great post.
glad you and running are seeing each other again.
VERY well put! and i'm glad you're doing better… annnnnd I think you should write a book. I would read it 😀
Hahaha – I loved this! SO true too!! I hope your ankle gets better SOON!
What a perfect explanation of how it feels. I'll be referring my better half so that he can understand. I hope you're on the mend! You've got too many upcoming events planned with "running" to be on a break!
Yay! Glad the ankle is healing and you've been able to get out there again.
I have felt the same way….great comparison. Hang in there!
OMG, this is freaking brilliant! Totally cracks me up girl. I actually had a huge argument with running yesterday (foot injury), but we are in the talking phase today. I seriously can't take this back and forth crap!
this was amazing. I'm saving it for later, when I probably will injure myself (cross your fingers I don't!) and I will need to explain my depression, wine guzzling, sobbing and pissy mood to my poor hubby or my best friends … or the lady at the grocery checkout
so funny! I love your passion and am so happy that you both are on the way back to eachother!
This is so funny and so true! You really have a knack for metaphors! (That seems like such a nerdy compliment when I type it out. Nerdy on my part, not yours.)
This post makes me so happy! You make me laugh!
good analogy. 🙂
grrrrrrr…i hate breakups. glad everything is starting to heal nicely!
I hope you two make up real soon!
well-written description of the heartache that is Running! glad you are on the mend though and willing to give Running another chance 😉
What a great post! I think it's my second fav to "I like speedwork and I cannot lie!"
I'm very much having an affair right now,much to my husband's dismay! (with running) and V and I have often discussed T's mistress (running). Good for you for finally blogging about it! Speaking of "coming out" and "going long" you are TOTALLY busted! I'm onto you! And I'm very, very happy/pleased with you:)
You can run from a relationship, but you can't run from running.
Good luck with your ankle.
I will think of this post every time I break up with someone who is chasing me.
Well said!
Nothing makes you appreciate running more than when you're not running. That's why my favorite motto is "The most important run is the run you will have tomorrow! Do your best to take care of it!"
Glad you're slowly coming back. Running and I miss ya!
Very well put, there. 🙂 That's EXACTLY how it feels. Glad to hear that the ankle is getting better! Pretty soon you and Running will be back on that journey-o-love. 😉
Oh, that is an excellent post! I was out once for two months. I was training for the Rock n Roll Marathon in Phoenix, and I got injured. I was dying to run again. Unlike you, I kept trying to run anyway, so I didn't get better in time for the marathon. This is a great analogy!
You are incredibly creative and still handling this so well. I admire you.
So happy your ankle is on the mend. Just take it nice and slow so that you and running can be back together for good!
After November, I plan to scale back my own relationship with Running. He's been causing me more pain than pleasure and I'm not into pain. Hopefully, running will be willing to continue our relationship on a "when I feel like it" basis. I'll be okay with occasional "quickies" but these long "marathon sessions" will become a thing of the past. I'm not that into running but I sure am crazy about his friends. For that reason alone, I won't severe the relationship entirely.
(GREAT POST. Might even have a place as an oped for "Women's Running World".)
Ha! This post is great. And TOTALLY accurate.
Is this like a Ross Geller "we were on a break!" … Did running cheat on you with the copy girl??
Also, you are awesome! Loved this post.
so funny and so true… i hope running begs for your forgiveness and wants you back ASAP!
My motto is: Never run after a man because another one is always coming. But always run for your own pleasure! It's a great post!
If you love something set it free. If it doesn't come back, hunt it down and shoot it. Seriously, maim that bitch.
Oh man, you hit the nail right on the head! I am stealing this the next time I am injured and someone asks me, "But aren't you happy you get to take a break for a while?" Ugh.
Hope you and running can kiss and make up very soon! 🙂
this post is simply awesome!!! so glad to have found your blog
I love this post! So sorry to hear that you have had an injury Beth. Will be praying for a speedy recovery for you. Thanks also for your kind words and offer to teach me to swim on my blog! I had to take my original post down- it was just so negative and I felt uncomfortable leaving it up. And unfortunately the comments come down with the blog entry! Let me know how you feel when you get back from Chicago and maybe we can meet up and you can help me see what the heck I'm doing wrong! Thanks so much for the offer! Christine
I'm a little late to this (post)party but have to say I love this! Will post a link on my own blog about breakups.
Love this post! Even worse is an injury after you've embraced running as a distraction for a real-life breakup. It's like finding a therapist to help with the grief process and then having them tell you there's just no spark between you two. 🙂