Just a little quick update to let you know I am alive. I still have the sniffles but am over all feeling much, much better. Thanks for all of the get well wishes!
Yesterday started my first week of training for the Gasparilla Marathon. Also known as my first marathon. What? Ok, fine it’s my third marathon, but I think the first two were just really trial runs. Heh.
I plan on letting you all in on The Plan as soon as I have more time to write.
Happy Tuesday and even happier running! Go get ’em tigers!
I'm so glad my Boo is feeling better and even happier I got to hear your sexy/sickly voice last night!!!
That's cool that you are feeling better. Good luck with your training for your "first" marathon.
Hope you feel better soon!!!
Trial runs – I like that! Hopefully you'll be feeling 100% soon so you can really kick off that training!
Feel better soon! It's those pesky higher education kiddos making you sick! 🙁
A cold in Florida? Can't be…I thought was all sunshine, beach, margaritas and palm trees…
Good luck feeling better and getting started on training. Cheers!
Glad you're recovering – looking forward to hearing about the marathon plan!
Glad to hear you're feeling better! I'm sure that'll help your training!
so glad to hear that you are on the mend!
Glad to hear you are feeling better! Wow another marathon?!?! Can't wait to see the plan! I don't know if I will ever do another one or not….
Feel better already! I am sending you all the healing vibes I can…is it not working fast enough? Me and the vibes need to talk then…
Get better, B.O.B!!