1. I have a job! Even when days are dumb and people are dumb and tasks are dumb. I HAVE A J-O-B! I can pay bills and even buy frivolous stuff every now and again.
2. My friends and family rule. I know I’ve said this one before but it bears repeating.
3. I can run! We all know how awesome running is and I’m just thankful for it as stress release, endorphin release, and not to mention all of the health benefits.
4. Mmmmm chocolate chip cookies. Yeah, this one is totally different from the first three but I had some cookie cake recently and it was the bomb. I’m just happy the dang things were invented.
5. Salons. Got my herr did and I love the post hair cut and color feeling. I’m bouncing all around pretending I’m in a Pantene commercial. People must think there is something wrong with my neck.
6. A pretty awesome summer! Thus far this summer I went to New York, the beach with Red, dancing with P-Funk, completed my first triathlon, got a promotion, went to a Jack Johnson concert, and ran Thru Hell (5K). All excellent!
7. That job I mentioned got better coffee makers. Free good coffee = better way to start the day.
8. Ragnar!!! It’s just around the corner and I LOVE my team.
9. Halloween!!! It’s just around the corner and I LOVE it.
10. Working at the concert venue again soon. I like the extra money, but I think the free shows are worth more.
11. Whipeout. Best. Show. Ever. (No plot + people falling down = Mindless child like laughter)
12. Beer. I don’t know what it is about summer but it makes me love a nice cold beer. Jamoosh can surely vouch for this and even tell you the best one for summer. What say you J?
13. Sesame Street. No idea why this one popped in here, but I do love me some Cookie Monster and The Count (he loved a list too). C is for Cookie…14. Heart shaped Post It Notes. Yeah, I’m that girl at the office but I can’t help it. They make me happy and I always know if the note is from me. No pinning your work on this heart shaped post it havin’ lady beeches!15. Possibilities. What are you thankful for today?
I prefer a yummy Kolsch to cool my jets. However, others may enjoy a refreshing Wheat beer during the torrid summer months.
Possibilities??? Aww golly gee whiz. Here we go again…….
I am thankful for long runs through the woods.
And track workouts. With Dr. Pepper afterwards.
And my job, which pays for the above.
Hmm, Beth like you I have a long list of things to be thankful for this year:
1. Faith and a great church
2. Best and most beautiful wife a man could ever ask for
3. Beautiful children and an awesome Family
4. Great friends
5. Health & Wellness
6. J-O-B…and just made promotion…more money to spend on groceries for the family…it's crazy how much we spend every month feeding this family…not to mention it will help support mine and Nora's crack habbit…uh, I mean running habbit.
7. Colorado…love it here. Just wish we could move all our friends from Tampa out West!
And the list can go on and on.
"I can run! We all know how awesome running is and I'm just thankful for it as stress release, endorphin release, and not to mention all of the health benefits."
ME TOO!!! I'm right there with you. I am so happy I am running again.
I'm thankful that none of my immediate family has ever been on Wipeout!!!!! I'm a closet fan and only watch when no one is in the house……
OMGosh I LOVE wipeout!
Has me in tears every week.
Ahh, Sesame Street. I had fond memories too. Until I watched it for the 10,000th time on a DVD with my 2 year old.
Good list 😉 But you mentioned cookies more than once! Now I want one!
I love that you put "possibilities" 🙂
I'm thankful for my body not falling apart and letting me do this thing called running.
Wipeout is awesome, no doubt. So is Teen Mom. Well, someone had to say it.