It’s amazing how two little runs can make me so very happy. And remind me that Thankful Thursday has been in the shitter lately. I haven’t really had my heart in it, you know? For that I apologize. Since I wanted this week’s to be better, I started really thinking about things I’m currently super thankful for and I decided it was list time. Hooray! 

Today I’m thankful for:
1. Chrissie Wellington’s book A Life Without Limits. I had read mixed reviews on this book, but I really, truly enjoyed it. I can appreciate Wellington’s “issues” and feel she’s relatable in many ways. She is humble for being as good as she is and yet you can tell she’s got a fire in her belly when she races. She could have used a better editor but overall the book was great. Don’t read if you are looking for a purely “triathlon” book as it’s more about her journey.
2. Peaches. They are so delicious right now. I only feel bad for my co-workers who hear me slurping them down as my afternoon snack. Mah bad.
3. Bikram yoga. I’ve mentioned before that I love hot yoga, but I truly feel Bikram style is my yoga soul mate. It’s hard as hell and hot as hell but it’s perfect for athletes! I discussed this with a friend of mine who is an instructor and she said, “I knew you’d be a Bikram lover!”
4. The Tour de France. I only started watching the tour a couple of years ago and I only really started understanding it last year. I know cycling seems mundane until you really understand that each day is a different ride and these guys are not messing around. They crash, scrape themselves all to hell, and get back up to ride again. That’s bad assery in my book.
5. Even if Call Me Maybe is the most obnoxiously, catchy song of all time and I want to shoot myself when it comes on the radio for the 800th time, it has spawned some hilarious meme’s and renditions. This one is BY FAR THE BEST.

6. Tri Swim Lotion. Since I’m back in the pool I’ve been using this lotion to get rid of the chlorine smell that seems to stick to my skin. Yuck! This dude recommended it and it totally works. It’s got a very citrusy scent and I love it. 
7. Otis by Jay-Z & Kanye West AND Hurt Me Tomorrow by K’naan. Both are currently on heavy rotation on my ipod. I like the lyrics in both and the beats are too shabby either. No go forth and shake your ass, but watch yourself! 
9. Peanut butter filled pretzels. I eat way more of these than I should but they are just so delicious. I can’t help myself. I may even share, just like the Cookie Monster. 
10. Free concert tickets! Thanks to a good friend of mine I got two free tickets to see some “older” musicians that I really enjoy. I almost don’t want to say who because I know you are going to make fun of me. I guess it’s ok since I posted Jay-Z and Kanye for street cred right? Fine. This is who I’m going to see. Shut up. (No, I don’t live in Tulsa, but it was the best photo I could find. Heh.)
What are you thankful for today?