Lately I’ve been struggling to get all my runs in. I’ve been hitting all my swims and rides but the run has been eluding me. I know that part of it is because I keep telling myself I know how to run so it’s fine if I miss a tempo here or there. Yeah, it’s not. The other reasons are because it’s hot and I don’t really enjoy running alone in the morning when it’s dark. I got very spoiled living in South Tampa where there were always tons of people to run with AND my route was heavily trafficked and felt safe, even at 5 in the morning.
The more I thought about missing these runs, the more I realized I needed to get my butt in gear and come up with a solution. I need to get in a morning run to take advantage of running without the angry sun glaring down upon me. There are gobs of evening run groups and pub runs, and I’m very fortunate in that. But, I still wanted an AM alternative. I decided to take the bull by the horns and start my own weekday morning run group. No fees, or shirts, or post run beer. Just a group who wants to run and then start their day.
I don’t feel as though I know a ton of runners in my area so I started by creating a Facebook event and inviting the few I do know. I figured that if they hit “join” then others would see it and join too. I chose a safe route near my house and a start time of 5:30 AM. I was a little concerned that the morning of my group run would come and I’d be standing there, looking sad and lonely. In the dark.
Much to my surprise NINE lovely ladies showed up! I was literally jumping up and down as more showed up! I’m not really surprised it was all women because we basically have to run in groups at that time for safety reasons.
We started our run as a group, doing the first mile warm up together and then separated or ran in pairs. It worked out so well and I’m so happy! In my selfish quest to find running friends I think I helped out others who also needed AM running buddies. I so hope this little group keeps on growing!
Our first run!
 I’m sure there’s a lesson here. But, I’ll let you all decide on what it is.
Happy Hump Day!