It’s already January 4th of 2012 and the world has not ended. This is good news cause I’d be so pissed if all of this crazy marathon training went to waste. Ok fine, I’d be upset about missing out on other things too. But my main focus right now is on the Miami Marathon and I’ve been looking over my training logs and can definitely see that I’ve gotten stronger. My pace runs still freak me out every week but every week I successfully complete them. I am shocked by this every week. Go figure.

At this point I think my goal is possible, but I’m still not seeing it as probable. Does that make sense? I have hit my workouts at the right paces I’m just still wondering how it’s all going to play out on race day. I know, I know have a little faith….but I don’t want to jump the gun on this whole crazy goal thing. Plus, the weather in Miami could be a real factor to consider. As Coach EK says, I’m going to trust in my training and see what happens….

I’m happy to report that with only 24 sleeps to go, I really haven’t missed a “key” workout in this training cycle. This means I’ve done all of my long runs, pace runs, tempo runs, and medium long runs. This also means, I’m tired. Heh. I can’t wait for taper madness. I think it’ll be more like taper sanity though.

With all of this training and planning and preparing and looking forward to this race I haven’t really decided what’s next.

I’d like to do the Augusta 1/2 Ironman and a few other tri’s, but I’d also love to do some different races this year. The Gasparilla races here in town should be worth it too because the hometown race is always a blast. And for shiggles I threw my name in the NYC Marathon lottery. It’s expensive but seriously – how cool is it to run through the streets of New York? Too bad I’m not a millionaire cause man does this stuff add up!

The only thing I have planned and paid for at this point is to go visit Red & Spike next month. I’m certain I’m going to freeze my Florida butt off and have a blast doing it. We plan on running a 5K up there during this “winterfest” thingy. All I know is that there are some ice sculptures, snow hill sledding, a 5K, and a chili cook off. In addition, we’ll be doing a few wedding planning things which I’m sure we’ll document in some B.o.B. and Red zany way. Be prepared. Or afraid. One of the two.

What is your year looking like? Do you have it all mapped out already or are you playing it by ear like me?