The long weekend is upon us! I am not sure if anyone noticed but a little hundred mile ride snuck onto my upcoming events section. And guess what? It’s on Sunday. Yipes!
I may have lost my damn mind ya’ll. I’m not even kidding. I don’t need to ride 100 fricken miles on my bike in order to finish Augusta, but it is on the list of things I’d like to do within in the next 32 years of my life. It’s relatively close and there are lots of support vehicles and quite a few of my friends are doing the ride too. I’m trying to think of this ride as a rolling picnic. Where there is food, I shall stop.
In looking back over my many, many, many posts about my cycling issues, I have to admit that I’m proud of myself. Sure, some would say my cycling issues are all in my head but I disagree. Somewhat. Part of my issues are strength and T.I.T.S. (Time In the Saddle).
If it weren’t for my new group of cycling friends, specifically my friends Pete, Chris, Brad and Nick. I don’t think I’d have made it this far. My cycling buds have been extremely patient with me and very encouraging. I’m so thankful to have met this crew.
A hundred miles does seem kind of nuts when you think about it. I’m not sure I drive that much in a week now that I live so close to work. I must admit that I feel more like a cyclist in just being signed up for the century. There’s always a chance I’ll crap out before I get to 100. NBD.
I think I’ve got almost everything covered except for my rear end. What’s the best anti-chafe product for these long rides? If I have to go through what I went through after that 60 milers I’ll never ride again. Ha ha.
Any tips on century rides? I’ll take whatever you got!
Happy Friday and have a great long weekend!
You've got this! Is this to test the waters for a possible full IM?!?! 🙂 The hardest part for me is my shoulders and neck start to feel like their on fire so stretch your upper body every break you take. Good luck!
You totally got this in the bag. My only advice, which is really irrelevant because I can't cycle that far, is to take a big pillow. 🙂
Daaang 100 miles! GOod luck!
LMAO! You can work on those issues…….. There has to be a good surgeon down there???? Remember, how do you eat an elephant…. Tail first…..
1. just ride from aid station to aid station.
2. Udder cream works pretty well for the anti chafe… and you can get it at Walgreens
3. Keep eating and keep drinking
4. bring your running shoes and brick it after the century… just so the roadies will thisnk you are crazy
5. have fun!
YEIKS, good luck – you'll ROCK 🙂
Your first century weeeeee! I still remember my first 100 miler, it was like a rolling picnic and I think there were slushies involved. Bring food that makes you happy and ride with people you enjoy being around, stop and take your time at all the aid stations and you will breeze right through this ride! Have fun!!
Trislide is great because it comes in a spray to get good coverage. Body glide is awesome as on e put on it isn't greasy or noticeable but it is in a bar format so application can be difficult. A century ride is a good time and actually pretty easy as long as you eat and drink properly. Fuel is vital and you need to eat before you are hungry and drink before you are thirsty but not so much you cramp. A gel shot every 30 minutes is what I do and I alternate water and Gatorade. Knowing the elevation points really help and coasting on the down side of a hill will leave you fresh for the up hills. Most of all, have fun and be safe!!!
Good luck and have fun! I'm scheming about a century next year, and I'm also kind of a new cyclist, so I can wait to hear about your experience.
kick butt girl!
Monkey Butt Powder! Used it twice and nothing comes close!! Have fun on your ride and take as many breaks as needed!
Never been on a bike that long so no advice from me…but I can cheer for you!! GO BOB!!!!! 100 miles…YOU CAN DO IT!!!
You will love it. I am assuming it is a supported ride so you can pull over and grab some water and food and then keep going. Enjoy the time as these are always a ton of fun.