Well, it’s Friday and I don’t really have a lot to blog about today. I’ve got a very relaxed weekend ahead, meaning I don’t have 452 things on my calendar. Score! The only real thing I need to do is run my 18 miler. I haven’t run that far in quite some time. It’ll be interesting. I think there are a few friends I can run with since I’m heading to my old stomping grounds tomorrow. I may even pick up a t-shirt to support that group, The Sharks. Who doesn’t love a running group named after a fish right? Makes total sense.
I’ve had an excellent week of running, thanks to low temps. I happily met with Miss Meghan this morning for a long swim. I got in 2,700 before I knew it. That’s the beauty of swimming with friends.
I do have some big decision making planned this weekend. This is never an easy time of year for me because of the pressure. I mean, every year I can barely contain myself as I decide…on a Halloween costume. You thought I was going somewhere important, didn’t you?
The S.O. is running MCM at the end of the month and I will be pedaling around the city with the lovely Caroline. I’m stoked to hang with her and even more stoked that she appears to be as Halloween crazed as I am. I know she’s got her costume all picked out but I still can’t decide on mine. I was thinking of going traditional and easy, like a superhero or something. But, I was also thinking of some non-traditional silly stuff. I’m keeping it all a secret until MCM. Don’t be disappointed if I end up in cat ears and a tail. Heh.
So, what are your weekend plans? Dressing up for Halloween this year?
Last year I painted my face like those sugar skull Mexican cookies. This year, I'm still deciding. 🙂
Good luck with 18!! I'm trying to decide where I'm going to run still. It may be a neighborhood loner run for this chica. The temps should be nice though! Good luck! Make it great. And just think…then you can eat ALL THE THINGS!!
Hope your long run went well! Costuming… I can never come up with anything good. Weekends – I always act like I will be soo productive and then I end up not accomplishing much.
Yay, can't wait to see you there! haha DC before FL 😉
Yep, I gotta get in that last long one too! I feel ya!
My costume is gonna be an orange shirt with a black cat on it that says BOO. I'd rather spend the money on a race fee 🙂
I'm going to surprise my friend Dan and run as Robin to his Batman. He thinks I'm running the race as a penguin. Should be fun walking out in my costume to surprise him! 🙂