Miles 1-5
Ever notice how the first five miles just fly by? My running bud Chris and I chatted during these first five and stopped to take our first gels. Speaking of gels, I’ve decided to go with Powerbar Gels. They are thinner than both Gu and Hammer and even though I don’t love the way they taste, they are easier to stomach.
Miles 5-10
Again, not much to report here. Although we did see a runner in front us take a little spill. I felt bad for her but she joked about how she had too much beer the night before and got right back up. We ran by a lot of other runners at this time and I felt a tad tired at mile 10.
Miles 10-15
For whatever reason, miles 10-15 are always tougher for me. I start getting tired and thinking about how much longer I had to go. Fortunately, with a little self pep-talking I can get myself right again.
Miles 15-20
By mile 16 I felt normal again and Chris and I had to stop at about this point to help get a lost beagle off the road. A woman driving by stopped and scooped up this cute beagle that was playing frogger across the roadway. Hopefully he got home safe and sound. Too bad he wasn’t wearing a collar. (Reminder to pet owners out there! Collar your pets!)
At about mile 18 my lower back started hurting. We had stepped up over a curb and I think I tweaked it. I stopped to stretch it out for a few seconds and then it felt better.
Also by mile 18 I was pushing the pace and found a second wind that was pushing me right along.
Miles 20-22
I caught up with C Steve and got to run with him for a bit and this was a pleasant surprise since I hadn’t been able to chat with him lately. His lower back was bothering him too so we helped each other out by chatting and finishing up the run.
My overall pace for this run was good. I’m in line with my training plan but can’t help thinking about how much slower it is than my intended goal pace. I know it’s supposed to be slower but it’s one of those thoughts that I’m sure we all have during training. In any event I am STOKED that this is a step down week for me because last week I hit 52 miles! I don’t think I’ve EVER run that many miles in one week. It’s not a lot for some, but dang it’s a lot for me!
I hope you all had great weekends. I’m off to stalk you all now.
Wow! YOu are so amazing.. I mean that! Wish I was there to see you run this race.
Man o man am I nervous about running a 22-miler. You did an awesome job! 🙂
You are da WOMAN!
Trust in your training young Jedi……
Way to go chickie!!! Nice job finishing it strong!
I always get stressed about long run pace vs. goal race pace too. But if you follow the plan you'll be ready on race day!
Way to go! I have yet to tackle 22 miles and I am feeling anxious about it.
Go back and read what Coach EK said. Always trust in your training and never question it.
Besides for a Honey Badger who don't give a shit that 22 miles is nothing and you will be rocking that marathon…..
OMG IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE SLOWER. but I always feel the same way. you will put the puzzle together on race day.
ok b.o.b barker! haha. i made a funny. nice job on your 22 miler!! mia better watch out!
Long runs should be slow! Save the race pace for race day. This looks like a great long run and excellent cap to a high mileage week!
Woohoo! Good job on your run..that is awesome!
Great run! You are race ready!
Nice job on your 22 miler this weekend.
Nice job BoB…
Great job! That is a lot of mileage, so enjoy your week with less mileage!
I want to be you! :). What a great run
I always hate the last two miles. Of any run. Even a 3 miler….
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
To get prepared for my best run I am taking Navy Seal Formula manufactured by MGNutritionals. This pre-workout supplement is the best engine for me! I feel strong, full of energy, and ready to achieve whatever goal I have set.