Well kids, I officially made it through my first day of my new job. Not too bad. I found all of the important places: the bathroom, break room, and cafeteria. I also, per P-Funk’s advice, made good choices.
I worked the other job last night and had an awesome time watching the EMO’s jam out and granting wishes of those wanting to be in VIP. But, alas tonight I am one sleepy girl.
My plans for the weekend include: 10 mile run in AM, team meeting for Ragnar Relay, UF football game (here I come Swamp!), and maybe some rest.
We are only two weeks away from Ragnar and it looks like I have 16+/- miles combined on my three legs. No, no, I have two actual legs. But I am running three times. Keep up people.
Anyway, I am going to try and fit in some two-a-days to prepare. Any other suggestions from those of you who have done similar races? They would be most appreciated.
Have a great weekend my lovelies. Run on!
I'm glad that you survived the first day…next week will be better!
no advice, but i'm sure you'll get it done right! Glad the new job went well 🙂 have a great weekend.
You are very, very busy! Glad you had a good first day!
Congrats on surviving day 1 – but remember it is a marathon! (the job) Yeah – that third leg is a bee-hive! Need recovery drink and/or food after each and ensure you go potty before you do each leg!
Never done a race like that before but I would think it would help to do 2 a days 🙂 Glad you made it thru your first day–are you teaching in higher edu or administration?
How did you find a group to do the relay with? I would love to do one, but really don't feel like going all Dean Karnazes on it 😉
Yay for Ragnar! I'm so jealous! That sounds like so much fun! Practice your 2 a days. Have a great weekend!
I missed you yesterday… immensely… *sigh*
I have three legs too…. uhhh… yeah…. LMAO! Have fun at the Gator game! I'll be up at the next home game tooting my horn while ya'll are running Ragnar! Go Gators!
Ragnar sounds like so much fun!
Have a fun weekend! For the relay, try doing a "night" run, especially if you are used to running at one time of the day.
Yay for a great first day! Hope you had someone to take your picture! 🙂
You have a busy weekend ahead of you, good luck on the 10 miler! And I think doubles would be a really effective way to train for Ranger…you will be fine! 🙂
My advice for Ragnar: once or twice before the race, do two-a-days. Make sure to do one run in the middle of the day (so you're used to the heat), and one at night, when it's dark. And wear your head lamp and vest so that you'll know what it'll feel like to run with all of your night gear on.
Can't wait for Ragnar!! I'm Runner 12, so if you're in van 2, I might just see you on the course!
Good luck!
ahhh i am so jealous of your upcoming relay. i wish i coulda done the one here! 🙁 you are going to rock your 3 legs!
glad the new job is going well!
I had such a great time at my relay. The best things I brought was a million changes of clothes and a damp washcloth in a baggie to wipe down after each leg. Have fun!
That race sounds like so much fun! I'm glad things are going well at your new job.
practice sleeping in a small and cramped space…but I've never run a similar race to take that with a grain of sea salt.
Three legs – teehee! Can't wait to hear about that crazy relay race!