Hello everybody! I took Sunday and Monday off from blogging because I was busy getting my Zombie on. First on Sunday I went to see the movie Zombieland. It was awesome. Then, I went to Halloween Horror Nights. It was also awesome.
I was so busy and tired yesterday that I couldn’t make it to blog land. I have lots of your wonderful lives to catch up on!
Since Running and I are working things out and getting comfortable again I decided to let you all in on some running stuff that I cannot live without. And of course it’s in list form, in no particular order. Hooray!
1. Gu. Strawberry Banana is tasty. I also enjoy the Vanilla Bean. It doesn’t upset my stomach, which can be very sensitive. I know some of you don’t love the Gu, but honestly I would eat it without running. Not that I have or anything….
2. Headsweats visors. While I never wear visors or hats in my everyday life I find that the headsweats brand does a great job of keeping the sweat out of my eyes. It also helps keep my Miner 49-er headlamp in place.
3. SPIbelt. This is a MUST have for long races. The pouch really expands to hold all the Gu’s, keys, cell phones, and other items that you need during the race. Plus, it’s pretty light and stretchy.
4. Women’s Running Magazine. Sure, this is a shameless plug. But it really is a great magazine. AND I will be at the booth in Detroit should you wish to get an autograph. (There will be a booth to get a subscription at most major marathons. Just you know, FYI.)
5. Hammer Endurolytes Capsules. Also known as ECaps, these are great for those of us who cannot stomach sports drinks. Tape them to a Gu for easy packing in your SPIbelt.
6. The Brandon Running Association (BRA). Sure, this is yet another shameless plug, but I love these people. They are more than just a running group to me. They are my friends.
7. Petzl Tikka Plus Soft Headlamp. This is the actual one I wear. Please refer to this Thankful Thursday for a full explanation.
8. Body Glide. For the love of God newbies, buy this product. It will save you a lot of pain and weirdness. Go buy it. Right now.
9. Nuun. I tried this product after the Redhead got some for herself and absolutely LOVE it. At first I thought it tasted weird but then I found myself really enjoying the flavor. Plus, once again, it doesn’t hurt my belly. Yay for no P.C.’s!
10. Champion Sports Bras from Target. Sorry boys, but I had to add this one. The Redhead and I both love these. They are priced great and run small/big enough for everyone. Well, I am not 100% certain on the big enough, but small enough for sure. Ha ha.
I am sure the list will grow, but for now I hope this helps some newbies and maybe some products on here that you veterans can test.
I leave Friday morning for Chicago and can barely contain myself! Get ready for some hilarity as the Redhead and I meet the Windy City.
The Windy City is on notice!
cannot live without body glide!! i love my headsweats hat too
I love the sports bras at Target! And of course, vanilla bean Gu!
Wow, Friday will be here before you know it! Yay!
I am with you on almost all of those! But if i put more than the blackberry in my SPI belt it bounces around. WTF. Am i the only one?
Great list!! FYI have a little Gu Giveaway on the Blogger.. Have FUN in Chicago!!
All hail the extra small Champion sports bra's at Target!!!! 🙂
Good stuff – I can't believe it took me so long to get around to BodyGlide, and now I don't know what I'd do without it!
Almost Friday!!
Totally agree on Gu, Body Glide, Spi Belt and Nuun! I'll have to try some of those other goodies…
3 sleeps til you head to Chicago. So exciting!!!
body glide, nuun, and women's running magazine are some of my favs too
B.o.B – thank you thank you thank you! SPIBelt huh? I have a Nathan fuel belt that I love (carries 4 10 ounce bottles and is *uber* comfortable), but the pocket is just not large enough to carry all the gels packs (thank you thank you thank you!) and camera for four plus hours on my feet. I know – I should just get faster, but what the hell….
And of course – Endurolytes and Body Glide and I are already the three amigos. No arguing with you there.
And there was a time a couple years ago that a Champion Sports Bra would have fit pretty well – but that's another story…..
okay, I won't put it off any longer, I'll go get some body glide (damn inner thighs)
btw, if you're an Amazing Grass drinker I have a discount code on my blog, plus a giveaway if you're interested!
Can you just imagine how miserable long distant running used to be before the magnificent invention of Body Glide??? …yowza! haha.
I really want to try a Spibelt!
Great list!
I'm going to have to try a couple of those.
you always make me want to run!
my hubs uses gu for mountain bike riding
I need to jump on the womens running mag train 😉
Love your list! I love most of those things too.
Have fun in Chicago!
Love your list! I'm with you on the Gu, NUUN, and the Target sports bras…
Chocolate Outrage GU is totally naughty and I could eat an entire cake with GU frosting. Spibelts and Womens Running Mag are awesome! Sadly, the Target bra doesn't work…bring on the ugly Enell.
I also LOVE body glide and Gu. What did I ever do without them?
I want to get a spibelt. I must get on that!
I can't live without my body glide on long runs. I think I find a new area to "glide" every time I run.
I'm going to have to find some Nuun. Everyone seems to love it.
Great list! Thanks!
E-Caps… yeah!
Great list! I love GU, body glide, and just bought a spibelt. Not sure if I love it yet or not. The headlamp is also a must for those early morning or late night runs. I love to see the happy bouncing light on the pavement ahead of me. It's like following the bouncing ball on those old singing cartoons. Now I have some new products to test out! Thanks! Have fun in Chicago!
I love Body Glide (especially during the summer) and I have read Women's Running magazine before and really do like it!
I think I may need a spibelt, so many people love them. I couldn't live without blue gatorade, GU, my Ipod and bodyglide!
Chicago??? Jealous. Let's get together when you get back. And this non runner also loves the Champion sports bras.
I can't wait to see you in Chicago! We can break stuff together, yeah!!!
Body Glide? I have yet to try this… I'm missing out yes?
Annnnnnd clicking my way over to Women's running magazine
I love Targets sports bras!! and I love when they're on sale too! 🙂
I've been hearing good stuff about nuun too.
Fun post Beth! 🙂
Great list! I love the internet. Living in Australia, it can be hard to get these things without a good running store nearby. I keep seeing GU everywhere, and I think I'll give it a go soon…
I loooove all things gu! I have definitely eaten gu chomps while um, not running. I've been tempted to eat gu gels as food too!
I think I may need to get my geek on with a headlamp so I will check yours out!
I LOVE #8, and I LOVE the things that go inside of #10! 😉
What flavor of Nuun do you like the best? I tried the berry and wasn't a big fan but not ready to give up on it yet. I'm right with ya on the Champion Sports Bra. I love them & I love Target!
Thanks for the list! As a newbie I can use all the help I can get. So far I haven't found the body glide but I'm hoping it's at RunTex. I can't wait to hear about your adventures in da Windy City!