Hola friends! It was a long weekend of NyQuil induced comas and cupcakes. Oh like you don’t wash down your cupcakes with NyQuil. Pshaw.
That’s right. I got sick this weekend. I initially felt it coming on Thursday during a run of the mill six miler. My legs felt super heavy and I wondered what the heck was going on. Then, I really felt off on Friday morning as I awoke with the always lovely STOD (Sore Throat Of Doom). Ever the conservative, when I couldn’t sleep Friday night due to the scratchy throat and building of phlegm, I decided to take my DNS with my NyQuil and skip the aquathon on Saturday AM. Yes, I was totally bummed, but since marathon training is upon me, I figured there was always next year. My first DNS. I’ll never forget you DNS, never. Tear.
My weekend basically consisted of: sleep, read Game of Thrones, take some NyQuil, and repeat. Pretty exciting stuff kids. I did feel well enough to see Star Wars on Saturday so that was a big treat, you know, getting dressed and leaving the house and all.
On Sunday, I decided a full day of rest was in order, with the exception of Baby R’s first birthday. No plague was going to keep me away from my Godson/nephew. I had toys and clothes to give him. And a few four cupcakes to eat. Don’t worry though, I was sure not to breathe on him and I’m certain he had a great time.
I did feel a bit better Monday morning but I was still zonked by the time I got home from work last night. Fortunately, the S.O. picked up dinner for us and we watched an episode of Dexter before heading to bed nice and early. I feel 100% better today. I am crediting the extra sleep and NyQuil comas. And maybe, the cupcakes.
As the weekend looms, I am reminded that I am again moving. Yes. I’m moving. Again. I know, it feels like I just moved. And while it’s only been a year and a half, I’m really going to miss my neighborhood and tiny apartment. I’m not going too far, but my commute to work is definitely going to be longer. Sigh. Oh well, co-habitation, here I we come.
I'm glad you are feeling better. And jealous that you haven't watched all of Dexter yet. At my house, we're just waiting for the next (final?) season to start!
Why are we not nerding out about GoT together (and with Harold)?!?!?
I'm glad you're feeling better and can I just say I CANNOT BELIEVE that baby R isn't so baby anymore. 🙁
I'm excited to have you in my hood! And I'm also glad that you've made a full recovery. I love your Chicago training. It looks great. Those 4 double digit numbers that start with a 2 scare the hoo-has out of me though!! I can't wait to meetup for a ride or run or swim. 😀
PS – I LOVE you for introducing me to meghan's blog!
Game of Thrones, while high on Nyquil, and sick. That must have been surreal.