Yesterday was a bittersweet day for B.o.B.
Ah the moments we shared with the best shark horn ever…Since I purchased Dolly (my new ride) and am on my way to becoming a “real” cyclist (don’t hold your breath here peeps), my beloved borrowed Schwinn must go back to it’s real home with my stepmom. I’ll surely miss this bike and it’s fat tires, Bozo the Clown sounding shark horn, and pedals that don’t make you fall down and go boom. If you happen to be drinking a forty while reading this, please pour some out for my homie. (Also if it’s before ten AM and you are drinking a forty, you may be Charlie Sheen. Winning!)In other news, I completed a sort-of-brick yesterday. I took a spin class at the local Y, taught by my buddy Cay-See and then did a 4 mile run. Too bad the spin and run were separated by about 45 minutes or this may have actually counted as a brick. The good news is that my legs felt fine and I had a pretty quick pace. I’ve decided to bite the bullet and become a Y member. As much as I HATE paying to work out I really need a pool and the bonus of spin classes and other classes help me justify the cost. I chose the Y because I have a lot of friends who work out there and there are quite a few conveniently located around me. So the tri training carries on…here’s hoping I can get comfortable enough with the clips on Dolly to actually make it off the trainer…Happy Monday. Get it!
you can do it! everyone falls down at least once, try to do it on a trail covered in pillows instead of in traffic. 🙂
Great job on the completed brick. Cool horn, such fun to look at on rides. Enjoy the Y.
Oh shark horn… we had some good times with you! LOL!
Hahahahaha! I'll remember to pour some out for Shark Horn. Thanks for the laugh!
Congrats on the new bike, new gym membership and everything else in between.
You are a true triathlete…..
Awww shark horn…RIP!
Poor little shark horn…he is sooo cute! I think you should transfer him to the fancy bike. LOL
awe, don't be so hard on yourself…that's a brick! Soon enough you'll have your trainer pool side!
Yay for the Y! So jealous because we don't have one! I would so definitely call that a brick because you certainly aren't all the way rested in just 45 minutes.
I am totally buying that shark horn. IT IS AWESOME!!!
If you do not send me the shark…it will mean war…
Sad times Mr.Shark Horn! I kinda want a "real" bike but I like my safe, easy to dismount hybrid bike…
Sounds like Sharky will make a nice giveaway.