My roomie and I are dog sitting a little guy about Lloyd’s size named Max and he’s adorable. Lloyd actually likes him and wants to be his friend but Max….notsomuch. Anyway, that’s probably why I am extra chipper this morning. Well, that and the fact that I have A LOT to be thankful for today. Do I smell a list?
Today, I am thankful for:
1. Dunkin’ Donuts. I basically stop here once (ahem, or twice) a week for coffee and a bagel sandwich. I don’t even get donuts (I swear!) but I’m pretty sure that the coffee has some sort of addictive drug in it, other than caffeine I mean. They have pumpkin lattes right now. Yum!
2. My health. The fact that I am freaking out about my impending marathon should be a reminder to me to be thankful for the fact that I can run 26.2 miles. Not everyone is so lucky.
3. Weather dot com. Yeah, thank the lord for the weather channel and it’s delightful website. I can obsessively check the weather all day long! Woo hoo! Just think, before the internets I would have had to like listen to the radio or call someone in DC or gasp – read a newspaper! You can all call me Ms. Weather OCD. Kthanksbye.

5. The shooting range. I may or may not have gone to the shooting range on my lunch break this week. I also may or may not have shot up a zombie target. I may or may not also be a redneck deep down.
6. The Great Porta-Potty Fiasco of 2010. I love this whole situation. I find it hysterical and I truly appreciate the MCM folks for not backing down with regards to places for us runners to poo. When a runner’s gotta go, you better get outta the way.
7. Redhead. I know, I know. How many times can I talk about how thankful I am for her? In the words of Napoleon Dynamite “about a billion.” I love me some Red and the fact that she sent me a text yesterday right when I felt completely freaked about MCM just shows how in tune she is. She told me to stop freaking and start believing. I love you Boo and THANKS!
8. This poor dog. I’m sorry, it’s so funny and so sad all at the same time.
9. Caribbean Steve. My running bud Caribbean Steve sometimes reads my blog and sends me hysterical emails. He is on my Ragnar team again this year and his enthusiasm for well, just about everything is contagious. I am thankful to have him as a buddy and also as my B.B.F. (best black friend). He invented that title, don’t call the NAACP on me. 10. The Marine Corps Marathon. Duh. What are you thankful for today?
That dog sleepwalking is about the funniest thing! Good list! Good friends are hard to come by so being thankful for yours like a billion times is o.k. Have a good one!
I LOVE Dunkin Donuts, but I'm kinda thankful they haven't made inroads into Northern CA yet, because I'd be there all. the. time.
I'm right here in DC and didn't know about the Port-a-Potty fiasco? *gasp!*
I'm glad they're not sharing. It's bad enough going into one after a few runners, much worse when thousands of others have used it before you, then it sat there a day, then other runners went in. Ew. No reason to make the stop even more unpleasant.
A week and a half to go!
There's a donut stand near my apartment in China. They sell about 15 varieties of donuts, one of which is "dunkin." I haven't done a taste test, but it looks a lot like the other 14 varieties.
I am loving me some DD too!!! Have fun at HHN!!! I LOVE YOUR FACE!!!!! And as for C.Steve… nothing makes my day more than one of his random runonforeversentenceemails. 🙂
LOL. Always can count on a good laugh from the BOB! NAACP watch out. Hey no shame in the shooting range and I don't consider myself a redneck. It's for normal people too… If you consider me normal.
I've missed out on pumpkin lattes? I know where I'll be heading this week….
Too late, I sent the email to the NCAA and the NAACP!
Nice list 😉
Glad Lloyd has a new friend, hopefully Max will come around and see how awesome he is 😉
I'm jealous of you guys having Dunkin' out there! We don't have them in NorCal and it is the best freakin' coffee!
Happy Thursday girlie!
wow, sounds like a fantastic day!! You definitely have a lot to be thankful for. Enjoy the event at Universal!
I'm going to Universal Orlando's HHN on Halloween!! Can't wait – I LOVE this holiday!!!
And you are so right, the Weather Channel's website is awesome!
Okay – so you've pointed out one of the reasons to *not* move to California. No Dunkin Donuts! I think it's a Starbuck's conspiracy. I *love* DD coffee!