Just a quick little post here to report that I completed 16 miles today. Me and the Two K’s started early for 6 and then the rest of the BRA joined in for 10. I started feeling it in my legs at about mile 8 and I remembered the fabulous wall trick.
When I first started running I believe V told me about this trick and it works wonders. Basically you scooch (is that an actual word?) your booty as close to a wall as possible and put your legs straight up. Stay in this position for 15 minutes. It apparently helps the blood circulate and with it, the lactic acid. It really helps with the soreness. Try. (See below. Don’t my blue toesies look cute? Just in time for GATOR football.)
Be warned though. When you do this, your dog may think it’s play time. (See below again.)
Have a great Saturday kids. And bonus to those who know the song that my blog title refers to….
Thx for sharing that trick. Wonder if i'll remember if/when i ever need to do that. My dogs would be all over me too. lol
Good job on the 16.
Sixteen in hte bank and some football. Ah, life is good…….
I know its a country song and I believe Willie 'Cheech' Nelson sang it. I will definitely try the wall trick post next long run. Way to put the miles in.
I am so gonna have to try this after my next long run! Do you think you should do it before or after the ice bath? Hmmm….
Nice work girlie! And have a blast with that cute Redhead! I'm jealous!
If "scooch" isn't a word…it should be. I forgot about this. I used to do this all the time as an alternative to and ice bath. I'm doin' this tomorrow after my long run FO SHO! I'm gonna scooch is what I'm sayin'.
Legs up a wall is the best yoga pose ever. Enjoy your weekend.
When I do that, my cat things it's a great time to lay on my head.
i always have a hard time smushing my butt up on the wall, but it is an amazing form of 'therapy'. nice 16 and hope you have enough energy for red!
I used to do this all the time when I was younger, just because I found it relaxing, but I never thought of doing it after a run! Great tip!
I do believe I need some Gator blue polish myself! I already have orange!
I needed to read this Saturday! I'm still going to go home and give it a whirl though!