Seriously though, St Anthony’s has been around for about 30 years and according to the race site, it attracts “approximately 4,000 individuals and 150 relay teams each year from more than 45 states and nearly 20 countries.” Whoa. St Anthony’s takes place in the St Petersburg, FL, AKA The Burg.
I don’t know why this makes me more nervous than say, oh the Marine Corps Marathon, which is easily the most populated race I’ve ever run with 30,000 plus runners. But it does make me nervous. And excited. I guess with the smaller number of athletes, but still a number of pros, you really do get the chance to see them up close. (Heeeeey, hot tri dudes….)
Ahem. Anyway, I am really looking forward to seeing these athletes in action. I am pretty sure that the pros/elites will be done before I even put a toe in the water but what the hell, at least I’ll know they were out there. Speaking of water, it looks like I won’t be wearing that lovely sausage casing I call a wetsuit. Since we’ve been blessed with a warm Spring, the water temps are not going to allow for the race to be wetsuit legal. However, drowning legal is apparently ok. Kidding…
The race is an Olympic distance tri. For my running friends, I’ll explain. Don’t worry I didn’t know what that meant either, had I known, I may not have signed up. Kidding again. The Olympic or Oly for short is typically a mid-distance race. I would consider it akin to the 15K of running, long enough to get a groove on Katie says, but short enough to feel the lungs burning. St A’s is a 1.5K swim, a 40K bike (gulp!), and a 10K run.
Good luck! I have no doubt you'll do fine – though I am a bit shocked you waited this long to look at the course. Have a great race!
Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Best of luck in the Oly. As with your past racing efforts, you're going to do great.
Youll do great!!! Just keep your eyes (distracted) on the hot tri-guy's booty in front of you, pass him and move on to the next nice peice of booty!
I've said it before and I'll say it again (and again and again) you're going to do great and I can't wait for your finish text! BELIEVE IN THE AWESOMENESS OF B.O.B!!!! 🙂
Good luck! This isn't your 1st tri is it? That is what's awesome about triathlons you are right there with the pros, in my case as they lap me on the bike loop. You just motivated me to stick to my original plan to do 2 olympics this season I was gonna chicken out and stick to sprints…
Good luck!! You will do amazing!
Have fun and good luck! Can't wait for the report.
You're going to kill it. Can't wait to hear about it next week!
Have a great race! I have heard a lot of great things about St. Anthony's. Just enjoy it – and ask directions to the swim start.. 😉
Sounds like you will have a lot of on the race. I'm doing my first tri in July so I can't wait to hear about it. Question…you wrote aqua slogging…is that running in the pool? (actually, i guess I could google that right? lol)
GOOD LUCK!! I've got my money on you killing it!
It sounds like a great race. Good luck tomorrow!
Can't wait to hear the race report!
I'm quite sure I've ever commented on your blog before – but I've been reading along for a while…
Hope you had a great race — can't wait to read about it!!
Dying to know how you did….