Hello friends! I know some of you have done the Q and A thing and I thought I’d hop on that train. Or boat. Or moped. Or whatever vessel it is that carries Q and A’s.
No really. Ask me some questions about running, Lloyd, the Redhead, the BRA, the blog. Ask whatever you like. I’ll do my best to answer them all (here’s hoping there are more than 5!). I’m sure TNT Coach Ken will come up with something we can all enjoy. (No pressure there Ken my buddy.)
So today I say, ask away.
Dear BoB, I've only been running for thirty years and I'm beginning to think that I'll never be the overall winner in a race. Do you have any advice on how I can win???
Never been a Winner….
1) You usually keep all personal things out of this b.l.o.g., but today, I ask… is there a Significant Other?
2) What is the one chore that you hate to do the most?
3) What brand of shampoo do you use? I'm a shampoo whore… I try them all 🙂
Our annual Red-dress Hash is fast approaching and I haven't found a dress yet. Is it okay to wear a dress from a previous year?????????
1. Mirror Mirror on the wall – Who's the bestus coach of them all? Oh wait – That's a question to myself. Nevermind….
2. Do you still love a good comedian??
3. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does that mean no more trail runs???
Thank you.
I think you do a pretty good job at keeping us all up to date with all things B.o.B. (one of the things that keeps me coming back!), but…I think I'll go with Shanon – is there a Mr. B.o.B. hanging around?
Which side of the fence do you fall on with regards to meeting an approaching runner – wave or no wave? Now that the weather is turning nice and I pass more people on my runs, I'm back to pondering the etiquette. I've always been a waver, or a 'morning' sayer, or some sort of acknowledgment. I hold a secret hope that for those that don't wave back – which is a lot of people – that the next time they'll wave to me, or to someone else. Teaching the world to sing in perfect harmony … and all that stuff.
What is the weirdest thing you've seen or experienced during a run?
I know I should not be obsessed with my speed (or lack of) but I am. My question is how has your pace per mile progressed since you started running and what was the drill/traing that helped the most?
… do you only date runners?
Have you ever dated a guy named Bob?
When people called your name, did you both turn?
What do you do when you're not running?
Have you ever ran so long in one direction that you reach an ocean and say to yourself, "well, I already came this far, might as well turn around and just keep on running…"?
Hi Beth
I'd like to know what got you into running in the first place and if you see things(anything) differently since taking it up?
If you could run (a race, or not) anywhere in the world, where would you run?
What is your absolute favorite running item (apparel, hydration, anything)?
What about Mister BoB? You're hotter than Texas pavement in July, so there's got to be some boy chasing you, right?
duh people. there is totally a mr. b.o.b out there. get with the program. he's just a secret for some reason. hmmm beth, are you making him up? 😉
how 'bout you tell us an embarrassing story like red's window tale or neon body painting adventures?