Just kidding. Whitney lay off the crack!!!!
In other news, on today, this being Wednesday, I thought I would share with you all that Dolly got a tune up. Yup. Bicycles require tune ups. Who’d thunk it? Well, not me. But I guess other folks who are bicycle-y-inclined would have known that.
Apparently the tune up involves making sure the wheels are true (AKA not all wobbly like your legs after a long ride), brake adjustment (totally need that for reals!), checking chains, and some other bicycle-y stuff. I suppose one could learn to do this for themselves if they were so inclined. I am not so inclined. The good news is that my first one was free. Score!
Remember when I went all Three Stooges on Dolly at St Anthony’s Tri? Well, I did. And I got grease all over her lovely white taped handlebars. And she’s been looking like a hot mess ever since. And honestly, I would prefer Dolly to maintain her sexy. So I had the handlebars re-taped in black. Black is more slimming after all.
*Queue catcalls and whistling* *Yes, that is a small dog successfully photo-bombing Dolly’s sexy back photo shoot.
I’m totally looking forward to my race this weekend now that Dolly’s all taped and lubed and ready to go. I’ll admit that I’m actually excited for this race and feel much, much more prepared than I did for St A’s. Granted this race is supposed to be somewhat hilly so we’ll see what shakes loose.
Dolly looks sexy! I need to get my handlebars taped in black, too. Mine are also white and look like a hot mess. Why do they even make white ones?
Hey sexy lady!! Dolly looks ready to go!!!
both of my bikes have had white tape and they both are poop-colored after a few weeks. perhaps i will bring the sexy as well.
Woot!!! Happy Wednesday to you too! Mine are already black.. good thing because they'd be DIRTY
I'm glad Dolly is looking sexy and ready to race! I hope after a good cleaning this weekend my bike will look half as good. 🙂
Dolly is looking good! My bike is sadly not, she needs more than a tune-up, I fear I just need a new bike. I tried to drag her out for the first time in three years yesterday and not good. The wheels frames somehow are all bent up.
I can't believe you just told me to suck it up! But yeah, I've decided that 6:30am is going to be my new BFF for a while. And, I finally found a possible running group that will work for me. They run outdoors, so I may be forcing myself back out of the gym and SMILING about it. 🙂
Dolly is looking fantastic! Good luck this weekend!!!
I did the same thing in switching El Diablo's tape from white to black. Who thinks white is a good color for tape on handlebars anyway? That turns black with the quickness.
Love the photo bomb.
Oh pritty-pritty! Now i can ID you at Flatwoods by your bike. I married my bike mechanic so i am so spoiled with that.
I went with lime green and white tape this year…it's actually double wrapped so it looks like stripes and stands out in a crowd at races! Good luck on your hilly race and remember what goes up gets to go down super fast!
Makes sense the bikes need tune ups!
Black is very slimming great choice!
That doggie is so cute! My doggies always sneak in on my pics.