Well folks it’s already Sunday. Where does the freakin’ weekend go? I feel like I blinked my eyes and it was over.
Friday I got home and skipped my usual pre-long run meal (terrible idea). I decided instead to eat some noodles with butter and parmesan cheese. I don’t even know if I want to confess what I normally eat. Fine. It’s Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli. Yes that is the secret to my long run. I have no idea why this canned food item doesn’t upset my stomach. It’s the only thing that I have tried thus far that doesn’t cause the P.C.s during my long run on Saturday. Go figure. That Mr. Boyardee must have been a runner.
Saturday morning was a 14 miler. It felt waaay shorter than the 16 miler the weekend before. I did get some initial P.C. issues at about the 4 and 6 mile marks (stupid butter noodles) but after that it was smooth sailing.
Today I did my recovery 4 miler on the dread-mill and it really wasn’t that bad. I had some tunes and A/C. Pitbull’s, “I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)” is quite fun to run to. It was also great to have that movie Beer Fest on the t.v. Cloris Leachman is my hero.
This week I am up to 46.25 miles!
Hope you all had a great weekend. I am off to cuddle with the attack terrier Lloyd.
"Dread-mill," tee, hee, You're wracking up the miles girl and I hope you had fun cuddling but Lloyd…doesn't really look like the cuddling type! Maybe he just doens't like having his pix taken! He has a sweet beard though!
lol at your confession. Great job on the 14 miler!! enjoy the down time tonight with Lloyd!
nice job on the mileage! it's crazy how much "shorter" these long runs seem, and i used to think "omggg i have to run five miles? that's freakin' forever!" haha.
lol about chef boyardee. hey, whatever works! i skipped my pre-long run dinner this weekend too… i just wasn't hungry, but i made myself eat one of those microwavable just-add-water kraft mac 'n cheeses. almost as healthy as chef bo'! 😉
if chef boyardee works – go with it.
and love the pic of your attack terrier
reminds me – i kinda miss my dog this evening – dropped him at the kennel 'cuz we leave early tomorrow for vacation.
Chef boyardee!! Oh man….well…to be honest when I was young like YOU I could indulge in Chef boyardee and feel okay. I loved that stuff!! But now I could not eat it. Or buttery pasta. Or alot of things now that I think about it. Sucks getting older!! Enjoy your Chef boyardee girl! Glad you had a good run!
Chef Boyardee?! That's awesome. Must be all the sodium that helps. :o)
My plain noodles didn't work for you??? 🙁 Bummer dude… I can't manage without them. Lesson Learned: Stick to the tried and true! 🙂
Great job on your run! Get it girl! 46+ this week!!!
Sorry I didn't call you back, we'll catch up tomorrow. Lot's to share!
Hey…whatever works for ya…I say stick with it! You're rocking and rolling in your training. Nothing can stop you now! Congrats
That is greaqt that you ran after the long run. I ran 15 on Saturday and no way was I running today (sunday) no matter what the pace would be. Kudos to you!
I am betting Lloyd could go for some Boyardee too!
If Chef Boyardee is what you need to run, then go for it! That is awesome that you had 2 long runs back to back.
So the secret is the Chef? I don't think I can eat that…LOL!! Butter noodles sounds better! Great job on your run though!
Great job!
You crack me up, I swear. You really should contact the Chef and see about an endorsement deal…
Chef Boyardee… hey, whatever works!
Nice job on the 14-miler and big week!
I am so down with how short a long run feels the week after a longer run. But I think that's part of the reason. This running stuff really messes with my mind.
Speaking of which – if we are brain sharing mind if I send some of my thought work your way today? I'm (yawn) tired.
Hmm… Chef Boy-ar-dee? What does you mom think?
I am laughing at the image in my head of chef boyardee running. With a spoon in hand and a trail of tomato sauce behind himn, haha.
Great song choice for the dread mill!
And thank you so much for your thoughtful comment last week. It really cheered me up 🙂
Wow, that's a lot of miles! Crazy how those 2 little miles make such a difference. I have my first 20 miler coming up and I keep telling myself that it's just 2 more miles than the last time. HA! Maybe I'll try the Chef's canned delight. I haven't found the right food just yet!
Great run! Awesome food—that actually sounds good and SUPER CUTE DOG 🙂
I sometimes eat the 99% fat free ravioli… I find that to be pretty easy on the stomach… Nice milage
Best confession ever – sometimes you need a little Boyardee in your life! ahaha Cloris Leachman = genius.