I’ve done quite a few posts on swimming and running but not too many on cycling. Cycling has always been my Achilles Heel and I’m trying to change that in 2014. I’ve already made the goal to get my tuckus on my bike (or any bike) at least three times a week to reach this goal. Of course, in doing so after having not ridden in quite a while, aforementioned tuckus is ouchie.
Last night, Meghan, Tori, and I attended a flat repair class at a local bike shop and I think it helped calm our fears of changing a flat. I have done it before, but it was in my living room while watching a Youtube video. I imagine during a race, I’ll be a wee bit more stressed out. However, the class was great and really informative and I like learning bike mechanics. I feel so much cooler when I use the actual names for bike parts versus saying, “you know, that back piece, near the wheel.”
There’s still so much about cycling that I don’t understand and it can get very technical. I saw an elite friend post on facebook about a trainer workout and I had no clue what he was talking about. I don’t know a think about watts or power. I did get a cadence meter because I’ve been told numerous times that I’m not keeping a high enough RPM (revolution per minute). (For other non-cyclist-techies, this basically means the rate at which I’m pedaling.)
I am what some may call a “masher.” For some reason, this is just what has always worked for me to get my speed up. In reading more about cycling, this is not as efficient as being a “spinner,” a cyclist who races on low gear with high cadence. It’s way more scientific than what I am laying out here and if you are interested go read THIS article.
Since the Internet is such a magical tool, I’ve found some cadence drills that I’m going to work on to get myself closer to being a spinner. I found some HERE and HERE.
And because I am like a little kid when it comes to wanting to learn bike stuff, please, please, please let me know what else works!
Happy Friday friends! Keep kicking butt Disney runners and good luck to anyone else racing this weekend!
Thanks for those workouts. I'm trying to improve my cadence too in the hopes that it also increases my speed.
Also, I really need to learn how to change a tire. I don't think AAA will help me with my bike.
Wow three days a week I'm impressed! 🙂 Where I live we have a thing called "goat heads" so I have become an expert at changing flats! I had to change one during a race once though and it took me way too long, not to mention I had grease all over my face by the time I was done, don't ask!!!
A buddy of mine was like that, unable to change a flat. Her bike mechanic took her in hand, showed her how to do it. Then made her do it. Again, and again, and again. All day. He kept patching up pinch flats as they happened. Now she takes her expensive bike apart, puts it in a box, ships it to the next race, assembles it herself and knows, KNOWS it's set up right. You can do it too.
WHo? WHAT?! haha :X Anyone who can ride those things inspires me yo!
The best way to improve your cycling is to ride more and just get comfortable in the saddle, so you're on your way! I just started riding with power, but did much of my prior training based on cadence and HR. My first cycling coach always had me ride between 80 and 90 rpm, which is much easier to do outside than inside on the trainer. Happy cycling! 🙂
One of the things I want to work on this year is learning more about cycling. I know that it is the area of tris that I have the most opportunity to improve this year from last. I have been reading a ton and have a few more books that I am going to start soon— I'll make sure to let you know if I find some good ones.
In the mean time. We should find a bike class halfway between NY and Florida. Not that we would learn anything because we would be too busy having sassy fun together but..welll…it would make for a good story
One my buddies (who runs multiple ironmans a year) suggested that I download trainerroad and use that to cycle train on. It needs some ANT+ stuff and a USB stick but all that can be picked up for under $50. It's nice having workouts that are made for exactly your level of cycling ability.