Happy Monday everyone. I hope no one is suffering from a “case of the Mondays.” I am just counting down the days until I can run again. I have been moderately blah lately and even though I am trying to remain positive and suck it up, it’s still a bit of a downer that I can’t run.
However, on a positive note, my ankle feels 100% better (while walking). The true test, of course, will be when I attempt to run. Rather than just hopping back into my running routine at the first sign of health, I’m going to wait until Saturday to even attempt hitting the pavement. As of today I have not run in 6 days. If I wait until Saturday that will give me 11 days off. I’m hoping that’s enough time for Old Wonky to get the hell out of here.
This weekend was kind of a lame one in terms of working out. Saturday morning I rode the bike about 10 miles and it was slow. Sunday I attempted to swim but the weather would not permit it. I will say though, that I danced my butt off on Saturday night while out with the ladies. I’ve got blisters from the shoes that I wore out that night so at least I can pretend they are from all the marathon training. Ha!
I plan on hitting up the gym a lot this week for the inevitable cross training and I’m going to cycle. I’m pretty excited for an early morning ride with Speedy Jess on Wednesday. Working out with friends in any capacity is better than doing it alone.
I hope you all had great weekends. Oh and one more thing. Where the hell did all these trees in my living room come from?