This weekend marked the beginning of December and thus the start of the December Challenge. The challenge is simple really, run or walk at least one mile every day of the month. We can do that right?
Actually, it’s not that easy. I found this out yesterday. After going to a concert on Saturday night (The Next Big Thing) and getting up to head to my nephew’s Baptism, I was so tired by the time I got home from the family lunch. Of course, the lunch consisted of about three hours and twenty people slowly dining over amazing Spanish food from The Colombia. When I got home that mile sounded brutal but I did it anyway. I couldn’t break the challenge on December 2nd. Being tired and a smidge hungover is a super lame excuse if you ask me.  
And as promised, here’s the list of link to those of you who are up to the challenge! I’ll check in with you all periodically and in case you aren’t already on the DR FB page, get to it! I swear I post stuff that’s at least worth 30 seconds of your time.
December Challenge Accepted list of BAMF:
Greg (Also doing the RW Streak)
Karen Nelson
I think I got everyone but if not, let me know and I’ll revise the list. I’ll check back in next week and see how we’re all doing. It’s going to be tough to get the mile in on those days we eat and drink our fill of holiday cheer but we can do it!
How was your weekend? How much did you run or walk?