I ran out of Gu’s last week and kept meaning to buy more, but it just kept slipping my mind. And sure enough, I woke up Saturday AM without any. Fail. I emailed Coach EK and he graciously brought me some Hammer Gels. Note to self: Hammer Gels give you the PC’s there B.o.B., no more Hammer Gels.
I set up the coolers prior to the run so we had water and Gatorade out but I left my Nuun waters in my car and forgot about them until mile 9. Fail. Note to self: B.o.B., you would lose your head were it not attached.
Upon completion of the 18 miler I headed to one of the K’s cars to pick up my stuff and take off my shoes. I was sweating like a hostage and my shoes were soaked. All I wanted were my squishy, soft Nike flippy floppies. But alas, I had forgotten to get the car key from K and for some reason when she went to unlock it as she passed, it didn’t unlock. No flippies for me until she finished her additional two miles. Fail. Note to self: You’re an idiot sometimes. LOL!
Of course the main thing in all of this is that I finished the 18 miler Wonky-free and had a most fabulous Saturday. Succeed.
Although my alma mater (UCF) lost, my favorite college team, the Gators, won (even though they were a bit shaky the first half, I admit) and I went shopping (got some cute Sperry’s) and had din-din with the fam (Cheesecake Factory = yummy fat kid heaven).
I’m getting a much needed massage this afternoon and am starting to feel a wee bit more confident about MCM. Fingers crossed people!
Ta ta.
You make me laugh! I love the expression "sweating like a hostage." I'm going to have to remember that one (and credit you appropriately, of course). Good job on the 18-miler!
Good job on the run. Bummer about the car not unlocking as K tried clicking in on the way by. But awesome that no wonkiness ensued.
With all those Failing grades how did you pull out a success????? Glad to hear Wonky didn't rear it's head…..
My advertising line for Hammer Gels:
"They apply a blow to your small intestine!"
Nice run though!