I assume that this happens to everyone, but the closer I get to my marathon, the more that little aches and pains seem to appear. Every step I take is one step closer to a sprain, strain, or calamity that shall prevent me from my marathon. It’s really odd actually. As I start winding down, I always notice small twitches and tweaks that I guess I just ignore because they really aren’t anything but normal running stuff.
I am starting to get a wee bit nervous.
What is that ache in my knee? Why does my inner ankle feel sore? Is that a shin splint? Is Old Wonky back? Holy Crap. Holy Crap. Holy Crap.
I guess I gotta reign it in. I just can’t help it. I’m getting those “what ifs” like the Shel Silverstein poem. What if I start too fast? What if I didn’t train enough? What if I get the PC’s? What if I trip? What it I get passed by that damn fast kid/old lady/pregnant lady/juggler/basketball dribbler/bee-otch again?
Must breathe. Must breathe. Must breathe.
I hope that this race gets here soon or I may just have a heart attack. Don’t tell my heart…my achy- eh, you know the rest.
(Song stuck in your head now? Mission accomplished. And I feel so much better now! Thanks!)
You will do fine… it is just your brain playing game with you.
And yes, the song is in my head now.
The closer I get to my big races the more schizophrenia sets in. Either I'm falling apart physically or I am a rock star. Sometimes the switch is almost instantaneous and it switches thousands of times.
Choose rock star. You have done the work and are ready.
Billy Ray Cyrus in any form is not the cure for anything.
If I start humming that song today … ah crap, it's already begun.
I agree with rockstartri…you have done the training and you are prepared! Just go out there and run…and remember to have fun:) You can do it!!! Kick those bad thoughts and feelings to the curb!!
Take a deep breath and remember all the great training runs you've had. You're SO prepared and will be able to handle anything that comes your way. Besides if something did happen you already know there's another marathon just around the corner. Keep that 22 miler in your mind! You're awesome! Dang mind tricks!
Pre-marathon jitters, i say. You'll rock that bad boy!
So right there with you! OMG! Every little thing is freaking me the eff out! Its like you read my mind as I was texting you this morning!!! We will get through this final week of kick our @ss training… enjoy the taper and then proceed to the start line to rock Gasparilla like a pirate pummeling the town! See you on Friday my love!
oh yeah we call it the taper madness and what's cool is when you finally get to race day and all that melts away as you just focus on one foot in front of the other and accomplishing this amazing thing!
I love that poem!
I HATE taper time! I'm so not envying your situation right now. Always comes together race day and you'll rock it!! Good luck!
I feel for you honey bunny! Only, my race(s) is 67 days away and I have a ton of time to still worry! You're gonna do great – I am so wicked excited for you I wish I could be there! Enjoy your Wendsday!
You're like my softball players…you know exactly what to do, you've done it a thousand times…but you panic! Don't panic. It's running…just run. Ignore the little metal farts, if you will, and do it. Try and focus on what you're eating instead. This way you're not so focus on your running but totally in control of something else.
Taper madness my dear! Deep breath. Deep breath. And some tequila…..
Its a common phenomena. Every ache and pain becomes magnified prior to a race. Heard this 100 times…you are in good company with…EVERYONE!
Like Nitmos said, you're not very original. What if you forget to worry?
Would you believe me if I told you that song was already stuck in my head? Tracks 1, 7, 12, 16, 22, 55, & 99 of my Ipod running mix all happen to be either "Achy, Breaky Heart" or remixes of "Achy, Breaky Heart". I particularly like track 22 which I grabbed off an unreleased mixtape featuring Drake.
try channeling a different "If" poem… Kipling – "If you can wait and not be tired by waiting"… yes we all go through this phase… you are going to be fine. =:-)
yep, the "if" poem is awesome, and so true. but you'll be great, taper and the week before taper will do that.
Hopefully it's all in your head and everything will go great on race day!! Stay positive!
I totally have the same problem! I have a race in a few days and I've been trying to calm my nerves, but I am having the same thoughts as you (little aches, sniffles, etc).
Stay clam! I'm sure you'll kick some butt.
i think it's cause your brain doesn't have as much running junk to think about 24/7 so it starts freakin' out.
i'm kind of the opposite. i think i look for aches and pains so that i can excuse myself from running for the day… for example, today i had one of those boob-pains on the left side and then i thought my left arm felt funny and my breathing got a little harder. so, i said i must be having a stroke and i shouldn't run today. (i'm not kidding. haha)
Tapering will turn anyone into a hypochondriac!!! Too much free time to over analyze things I guess! Hang in there and stay away from webMd!
OH boy girl do I understand!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha, you're going to do fine! What if you WIN????