P-funk, my ever faithful training buddy and fellow appreciator of booty music, and I were recently discussing how bleapin’ bleapin’ early we have to get up on Saturday mornings now to get our long runs in. We meet at 5:30 AM so you know that requires getting up at least by 4:30 (4:45 if you hit the snooze like I do). Anyway, we began to make a list of those who were also up at the same time. I love a list! Here’s the 5 we got to:
1. Sanitation workers
2. 7-11 employees
3. Crackheads still up from the night before
4. Roosters
5. People on the West Coast partying at Diddy’s
Feel free to add your own.
And now, on to the AWARD! WOO HOO! It’s my very first one. And I am so happy to be award de-flowered by my friend the Redhead. Hmm, that sounded weird. Oh well.
The Redhead awarded me with the Seven Traits Award.
You must tell 7 traits about yourself (yay another list!) and then pass it on to 7 other bloggers. Here’s my sweet seven:
1. I love to make people laugh. I find myself to be quite hilarious and appreciate people who agree. I think laughter really is the best medicine. I enjoy lifting someone’s spirits through the use of my wit goofiness.
2. I can be very hard on myself. It’s true. It’s not always easy to toot your own horn when you run with people who you suspect are only one gene away from being gazelles.
3. I hate being single. Seriously, it’s been way too long since I had a boyfriend.
4. I love being single. Seriously, it’s great sleeping in the direct center of my bed.
5. My sister sometimes says I’m cheap. I prefer to call myself spendingly challenged. While I love, love, love shopping, I am very cautious of what I spend my money on. For example, I don’t want to pay $140 for the front row at a musical, but I will drop $140 on running shoes. At least I’ll get my money’s worth out of that and not just get some song sung by feral cats stuck in my head.
6. I love dancing. Why in fact, just today I was booty shakin’ in my car to some Whomp (There It Is). Friday is booty music mix morning on the radio station I listen to on the way to work. It really sets the tone for my day.
7. I like to be liked. I really don’t like it if I think someone just flat out doesn’t like me. I have a hard time just saying eff that person. You all like me, right?
That list WAS NOT easy. Whew! I feel so much closer to you all now. Here are the lucky seven bloggers who I am bestowing this award to:
Run Faster Mommy
Eliza on the Run
TGIF Folks! Good luck to all who have long runs or races this weekend.
I love the idea of booty shakin music on Friday mornings! That's awesome!
Oh and I like you! 🙂
Happy Friday!!
Hahahah – the list of who's up at 4:30 am Sat – made me laugh 🙂
Your 5 people that are up that early cracked me up! haha I am still laughing!
What a great list! We have alot in common. ALOT! Except you are much much YOUNGER. But other than that we could be the Bobbsey Twins. Do you even remember those books you young thing!! DO YOU???? ; – ) Hey thanks for the award! It will give me something to blog about tommorow- I was running out of fresh material! lol
Thanks for the award!!! I love it!
Also– thanks for the advice on my blog– you rock!
Im totally like you on number 5!
And to your list about those up at dawn, I'm gonna have to add "deranged cats". They totally woke me up this morning.
Ok, I totally saw proof of your #7 last night at track! Too funny!
Good lists! I like to be liked too, which sucks. This will be fun having training schedules that are similar. It's good to know someone else is being tortured too!
I know the spending thing alltoo well. I even prefer to let my wife and daughter go shopping on their own!
I'm lucky – I can still get out by 6AM and beat he heat on a long run.
10 800's! That's like a long run in itself! 800 plus 800 rest, mile warm up and mile warm down. That's like 11 miles! (tongue's dragging just thinking about it)….
hmmm… 7 of my traits?? I'm gonna have to think about that!
Oh, and I totally feel ya on #7
I like you. How do you like them apples?
Stopping by from SITS to say hi. I can't believe you get up at 4:30AM (4:45) on Saturdays!
thanks for the award/tag! 🙂 those are excellent traits you came up with. i love 3 & 4, lol. hope you have a good weekend and got up early for the run this morning!
I don't know how I missed this post! I guess I should've checked before "nominating" you for it again, lol.