Ahhhh bodily functions and runners.
Why is it that we feel it is so ok to discuss these things? I think I had run maybe 4 miles with P-Funk before I divulged my PC (poopy cramps) issues and then of course it went from there. Not only do we discuss our many illnesses, injuries, and farts we also discuss everything else.
At work, I am pretty private. I don’t really discuss my life outside of work too much. Of course, everyone knows I’m a runner, but I don’t get into too many personal things. Now the running group on the other hand, they could probably all tell you my blood type, last boyfriend’s mom’s name, and what I ate for dinner last night. Even more stuff if I’ve ever run more than 5 miles with them.
Now, all this sharing started waaaaay back before I decided that these folks were my friends, which they have obviously become. I just wonder what it is about running that makes us all such open books. Boredom? Bonding? The heat? Trying to take our minds off of the run and the miles ticking by? Could it just be the way we are as a society right now? Facebook, twitter, email, text, this here blog: all tools for SHARE! SHARE! SHARE!
What say you blog land? Why are we runners such over-sharers? Or is it just me?
Speaking of me…did I tell you about the time….oh brother. Here we go again.
Well, some people call runners insane for running a marathon, getting up before dawn, having a curfew on a Friday night, peeing (or pooing) in the woods, feeling let-down for not running a second faster than our last 5K, and having a post-run breakfast without a shower!
So needless to say, insanity loves company; hence we share! 😀
Not sure what your last boyfriend's mother's name is but if you choose me I can tell you what my mother's name is. I will cook your favorite meal, lump crab cakes, every night.
I don't think it's over-sharing. With other runners we are in our element and just like we have our own little language, we talk about specific subjects.
Cyclists have the same conversations, just different subjects.
Nothing like dropping a huge deuce after a nice run…LOL is that sharing too much?
I think we over-share because we feel like we have so much in common with the person. Or atleast, that's the way I feel. 🙂 I mean, you're a runner, so therefore you're automatically just.like.me. LOL
i like to think of it as a learning opportunity. runners alements are things that most people don't have to deal with so when you find a fellow runner…who want to get answers…
I agree with the comments above and… We like to share, because we know that other runners understand. They don't look at us crazy or grossed out when we talk about bloody blisters and pit stop emergencies.
We enjoy sharing what works for us while hoping it might help somebody else.
I think it is because our real world non-runner friends really aren't that interested and don;t identify. I can;t tell my wife anything about my workouts or running. She isn't interested that I almost puked at mile 12 of a long run. Fellow runners in blogland not only understand, but identify and say Hey! I know that feeling! Adn maybe figure out ways to deal with or prevent them again.
I swear I become a different person when I am around other runners! I don't know what it is! What is unacceptable in non-running becomes totally the norm when out running – i.e. talking about bodily functions, droping the kids off at the pool in the bushes, stealing water from some random person's garden hose, and of course the potty mouth. The garbage I do while running is NOT stuff I would ever think of doing in my "normal" life! Ha! But I LOVE that I have that connection with other runners – that we can all be insta friends 😉
P.S. That anonymous person sure left you a creepy note! Watch out!
dang, i was gonna comment, but "anonymous" up there has me all curious now. who is THAT? 😉
I think I just can't keep a damn thing to myself. 😉 runner or no runner.
Me too, Jess! I say we track this "anonymous" down. Why? Because it's fun. OR "Anonymous" can grow some cohones and self-identify. 😉
That is too funny! Yet totally true! I try to keep my non-work life completely private from my co-workers. I just don't need them to know about my non-work self. Yet they all know I run. And what's the first thing I shared after my last race? I HAD to rush and tell people how I crossed the finish line, had the timing chip removed and then proceeded to vomit and dry heave right in front of everyone!
How did you manage to write an entire post and not mention me? Wait, is that narcissistic?
I think runners share so much because they realize that honesty makes you a better runner; even if they don't necessarily adhere to that idea to their life in general.