1. I was going to post my review today of a waterproof iPod but I want to use it one more time before I do. I am all about an honest review.
2. I registered to volunteer at Ironman Florida in November. Great Caesar’s Ghost! What have I done!?!?!
3. I want to buy every single pair of these.
4. No really. I REGISTERED TO VOLUNTEER AT IRONMAN FLORIDA. (You all understand what this means don’t you?)
4. I’ve been so very good with my diet this week. I want to get in better running shape. Ok, that’s a lie. I want to be in good going-to-Puerto-Rico-next-week-on-vacation-and-wearing-a-bikini-a-lot-shape.
5. You see how there are two number fours? Yeah. Totally did that on accident. I confess. I cannot count.
6. I have fallen in love with swimming all over again. I’m thinking about getting certified as a swim coach. It doesn’t seem too intense if you go the USA Swimming route. Hm.
7. Speaking of coaching, I’ve decided to make my own running plan for the Chicago marathon. I figure that I’ve run enough marathons to know my body and what I need to do. I’ll consult with some of my coaches, but I’m going to put it all together for myself. I’ll share it with you guys after it’s all hashed out.
8. I am dying to see the new Great Gatsby. Leo! Swoon.
9. I’m retiring from race directing. It’s way too much work with a full time gig and quite frankly it stresses me out way too much.
10. I have not been reading lately. I love reading but I just haven’t been doing any. It’s time for a new book. Feel free to leave suggestions. Pass, on the chick lit.
Have a great weekend everyone! Don’t over do it on those cervezas y margaritas comprende?
P.S. Spell check tried to make cervezas, cervixes. Bahahaha!
Haaa!! cervixes!! IMFL!!!!! Ohhhh sooo excited for you!!!! So 2014 right? Volunteering is a wonderful experience and will just fuel your fire! I'm going on vacation too but I had to take the approach of find a bathing suit that will fit my pregnant stomach geez I'm ready to have my new running buddy join us so I don't have to carry him around anymore…. :-0
oh god, cervixes and margaritas sounds like a terrible outcome of cinco de mayo in mexico!
I really wanated to be in better shape before my cruise, but it just didn't happen. womp womp i'm lazy.
I jusst bought the first book of Game of Thrones – haven't watched the show yet.
and that is exciting.. what IM do you have your eye on?!
Write your own training plan?
I can't wait to see the posts when the "athlete" does not follow the "coaches" plan. LOL!
So what you're trying to say is that you volunteered for IMFL?
I know what this means and it was only a matter of time…
Also, will you read Game of Thrones already so Harold, Spike, and I can nerd out with you about it?!?!?
Well hey there! This is such an unassuming post until you read through it all! So many BIG confessions!! Excited for you with IMFL! I want to do one. I should probably start with a small tri first. Then baby step my way there. But I'll admit when I saw your FB conversation and saw there weren't very many volunteer spots left that I said, I'll do it! Then I thought again…maybe a half ironman next year and a full the year after for me.
And I can't wait to see your Chicago plan. When are you going to start it? I'm hoping to be back running my June so that I can build a tiny base before I jump into the training…
How do you get certified to be a swim coach? I taught swim lessons in college and coached a summer league team with younger kids. It'd be fun to coach adults. You'd be a great coach!
I'm so excited for you!!
Yay for drawing on shirtless mans! I can't wait for you to get away to PR, I meannnnn it's been forevers since you had a real vaca!
yes, so ironman florida for you the following year, right? the only reason to volunteer is to get early spots in line to register for the following year!
Hope you get assigned to body marking at IMFL!
Yeah, I know what volunteering at IM means. A shorter line up to sign up for the following year. Plus, volunteering at IM is an amazing experience. I was working finish line when Sister Madonna Buder crossed the line with a few minutes to go till midnight. The crowd was going absolutely crazy. Way louder than when the pros finished. I still get chills thinking about it.
Now, a waterproof iPad test. This takes serious stones. I await the review eagerly. I've got mine encased in a Gumdrop case. Classy and stylish, if you like truck tires.
Look at you – IMFL 2014! Squeeeeeee, very excited for you!!! I just finished (like 5 minutes ago) reading Silver linings Playbook – you should bring that to PR with you, it was one of the best reads I've had in awhile!
You can absolutely make your own training plan. Do it!! Also, I cannot wait for the Great Gatsby to come out. I NEVER go to the movies. NEVER (thank you, two adorable children) but have vowed to go see this!