Hi again! Blogging slacker here. I didn’t post this week as the J-O-B has been bananas again. I’m super glad it’s Friday. And since it’s Friday, I figured a little Friday Confessions post was in order. Here we go.

1. After my run this morning, I went home and showered. And then got back in bed for another 45 minutes. I didn’t even eat, I know – the horror! It. Was. Worth it.

2. I’ve been doing the 24 day challenge with Advocare. I have kept it on the DL (do people still say that?) because I know SO many health and nutrition experts that I didn’t want to hear alllllllll the opinions. Rude? Maybe. But worth my sanity? Definitely. I may or may not report more on this.

3. Part of that challenge includes cutting dairy and alcohol. Guess which one I’m missing more?

4. ICYMI means In Case You Missed It. I had to look that up this week. #nolongerhip

5. ICYMI, Kanye West and Wiz Kalifa got into a twitter fight and it was one of the highlights of my week. Wiz DOES wear cool pants.

6. I sat at the bar at my favorite spot for post strength training breakfast while none other than John Cena sat at a booth behind me. He was drinking a chocolate milk with lots of whipped cream. It was adorable. (And yes ladies, he’s super cute IRL. No, I didn’t snap a pic with him. Poor guy was just trying to get his breakfast gains on.)

7. I think Steve Avery is guilty. I’m sorry! I can’t help it. I think he did some real questionable stuff and maybe the evidence was planted. But maybe it was planted because it needed to be planted. Does that even make sense?

8. I’ve been invited to speak in front of a Girl Scout troop and I’m more nervous for this than I am coaching the adults I work with.

9. I’m craving mozzarella sticks like it’s nobody’s business.

10. But I’m afraid of what is going to happen if I do eat cheese again. (I will say that my stomach has felt a lot better recently…)

11. I just read that odd numbered lists were better than even numbered lists. Is this a real confession? Probably not but I felt like sharing.

Have a great weekend! Best of luck if to those of you who are toeing start lines. Embrace the suck!