Ahhh Friday. I welcome you like the Attack Terrier Lloyd welcomes warm laundry. (Why must he sit on my clean clothes? Every. Single. Time.)
I cannot express how excited I am getting for my Chicago trip with the Redhead. I love travelling. And even though I will probably be wearing a mask and randomly spraying myself and others I suspect of having swine flu with disinfectant, I am sure the friendly skies have missed me as much as I have missed them.
Surly flight attendants, crying babies, post-apopalyptic airline food, skeevy old men, enough leg room for those under 4 foot 2, stinky feet smell at security check – I can’t wait!!! (In flight drinking? Yes please.)
We are locking down our plans and she is coming here this evening to finish up her training with the BRA. I plan on getting a short, easy run in tomorrow AM and then doing some biking. I must admit that since I have been biking…
I still hate it.
Didn’t see that coming did you?
Have a great weekend everyone. I know LOTS of you are racing tomorrow or Sunday and I wish you the VERY best of luck. I offer you all the most important tip:
Sorry to hear about your MCM news. But – it will always be there next year.
And I need to protest now. A Chicago hot dog! In a photo? After I've chowed down on my veg sandwich and grapes? You mean mean person. (When you get to Chicago I'll send you my address. Fedex a couple of those to me….)
As an old Arhur Andersen (actually Andersen Consulting) employee, I got to spend a lot of time in Chicago. One of my favorite places! To visit!
Have a great weekend! I'm out the door to buy some blue painter's tape….
That's probably the greatest tip ever. My waist is so chaffed from my fuel belt; it looks really gross.
My dog doesn't like the clean stuff, she likes it dirty laundry. The smellier the better; she's in heaven over my workout clothes!
I'm so excited… and I just can't hide it…
YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh oh me too, still hate biking!! Stilll love my running!
have fun in chi-town
Have fun on your trip to chi-town!
I'm still learnin' on the bike so don't hate it as of yet!
Have fun! You'll be a great cheerleader/photographer/supporter/friend!
Your trip is going to be AWESOME. Take lots of pics and safe travels!
Thanks for the tip! You are going to have a fun trip, take pictures!!
My cat always goes for the warm laundry, too. And he's a big time shedder. Grr…
I can't tell you how jealous I am. I am DYING to go there! I'm finally posting about our meet up tonight!
See, not racing is a good thing – you can get schwasted!!
Good tip on the body glide! Its seems to me that I half like the bike when I'm not injured and forced on the thing! Have a good one Chic-a-go!
Enjoy Chi town!
You always bring a smile to my face 🙂
My dog LOVES my clean warm laundry as well… it's a terrier thing. Or maybe just a dog thing. Have fun in ChiTown. I'll be thinking of you and the redhead. Wear your mask!!! And drink one for me on the plane!) Can't wait to hear about your adventure… pictures please!
That's such a great tip that I think you should have a megaphone and yell it at the top of your lines when you're spectating! Those marathoners will appreciate the reminder =)
Have fun on your trip! Thanks for the advice about Body Glide. Sounds like fun.
You're such a good friend! You and Morgan have fun, can't wait to read all about it!
Chicago will be SOOOO fun! Enjoy your weekend the the redhead!
Hope you're having a great weekend!
oooh yes i love babies/children on planes. soo awesome. please serve me a stronger drink! 🙂
HA! Sometimes I could swear that the airlines employ families with obnoxiously loud kids just to fly around the country on random flights, thus earning the company more revenue via booze sales. Hope you have fun in the Chi! I'll be looking for you!! 🙂
If you plan on drinking beer take lots of cash ($4 per 12 oz). If it's mixed drinks, buy some of those tiny bottles — must be under 3 oz and sealed — and put them in a quart baggie. You can carry them on and get mixer for free. I didn't believe you could take them through security until I saw a gent in WY carry a whole bag of them, 15-20 bottles, through en route to Vegas. Good luck on the clump, have fun
Cycling sucks – I am just sayin'.