I’ve been putting off this post because I thought if I put it off long enough it wouldn’t actually happen. But, well, it’s going to happen and there’s not a lot I can do about it.
My little Redhead is leaving.
I’m so torn between being ridiculously happy for her and so extremely selfish and sad and wanting her to stay. I know this is what is best for her and is what is going to be such an amazing next chapter in her life. But like any goodbye, this is one is hard.
Most of you follow her blog and know just how much the two of us have done together this past couple of years. We trained together for her Chicago and my defunct Marine Corps. When my MCM fell through I accompanied her to Chicago where she met Spike. I knew I was in trouble of her leaving when she told me on the phone that she thought he was cute. And of course he fell in love with her, I mean come on, she’s a doll!
For that training cycle she joined me and the BRA almost every weekend and did the same almost every weekend while we trained for Gasparilla. She has her own room at my place and we know each other’s odd running rituals and quirks. We have become so close in just two years that I feel like I’ve known her my whole life. She’s a great friend, person, and of course runner. I feel so fortunate that I got see her relationship with Spike grow and blossom into love. I know that they have wonderful things ahead of them. I couldn’t be happier with Spike as I have met him a few times and he’s a great guy. He’s the yin to her yang.
And still….I’m going to miss her terribly.
Last night I hosted her going away party with the BRA. Everyone wanted to wish her well and say goodbye. We reminisced about how the first time she met the BRA she thought everyone was a bit odd. And well, we are. But she said she knew I loved them and so she loved them too. And guess what? They loved her. And still do. You just can’t help it with her. (By the way, she made me a picture frame with pictures of us at various events. Who gives someone else a gift when they are moving away? This is why I love this girl.)
We presented her with a BRA shirt that we all signed. And then of course took some goofy photos.
(Hollster, Red, Strawberry E, P-Funk, and I being Charlie’s Angels. While others at the party laughed at us!)
I know she’ll be back and we’ll keep in constant cyber-contact (facebook! dailymile! blogs! emails! skype!). But this is my goodbye post to my little Redhead Boo Bear.
I love you Boo Bear and can’t wait to read and hear about all of your new adventures. You always have a place to run with the BRA and no matter where we both end up, I’ll make sure you always have a room with a vacuum cleaner or two in it, a banana before your run, and a slow draining shower after.
Awww. I'm sad that your friend and running buddy is leaving, but like you said, she has an exciting next chapter ahead of her. Great post to celebrate your awesome friend. 🙂
Such a sweet post!
What a beautiful post! Such a great tribute to a great friendship! i love how something as simple as running can bring people together and spur lasting friendships!
Thank you for this mornings dose of reasons to cry because I'm moving. Oh girl, that was the sweetest post ever. Thank you so much for everything this weekend but more so for being my friend and being there for me so much over the past two years. You are my running sole mate and best friend. This is not goodbye, it's more like an extended absence because I Shaw Return! 😉 See you soon enough, V24L (in old English across our stomach's) and… Thank you for being a friend, traveled down the road and back again (literally and figuratively), your heart is true, you're a pal and a confident…
Awwwwwwwwww, sorry your bud is leaving but things happen for a reason….. Now you can recruit someone else for your group of angels!
Aww, I'm sorry for you two!! But, just think, now you have a reason to visit Michigan! LOL 🙂
Que Boy's 2 Men…
Such a great post…It is sooo awsome to have true, real and forever friendships in your life! You two will remain friends FOREVER…near or far, it doesn't matter!
Aw, I just shed a tear or 20 when I read this! I'm sad for you B.o.B. and happy for Red at the same time! I'm confident though, in knowing you two won't be apart for too long!
Hugs to you!
Great post! Between the two of you, you've got me holding back tears reading these! Don't worry though, I see you guys remaining great friends regardless of the distance between you!
Sweet post.
It's so hard when a friend leaves 🙁 I'm sad for you!
Awwww, this makes me all sniffy just reading it.
seriously. who gives a present when they are the ones going away? something is wrong with that red one… 🙂
sweet post beth. it's never easy to move from friends!! college graduation – so depressing. i guess you'll have to brave the white north and visit her 😉
Great post. But I have a feeling you guys will be BFF's 4-eva.
Oh, such a sad, bittersweet post. Awesome party it seems though. I think you both will still remain awesome friends!
she is a total doll and having met her only once in person, I'm sad she's leaving! can't imagine if I saw her as much as you did
What a sweet post!! I know she'll miss you so, so much.
I'm sorry about your girl leaving! That's so tough. But look at Meg and I. You'll be close as ever!
Keep this between you and I but when I met Morgan in Boston all we talked about was you. Even when you're not standing by her side, you're with her all the time.
You're both lucky lucky people.
Take care,