“Guess it’s better to say goodbye to you.” -Patti Smyth

However, in my version it’s become, “Goodbye to Gu.”

If you look at my header photo you’ll see my beloved Gu in the mix of all things this discombobulated runner loves. And I’m sad to admit that I can no longer stomach it. I’ve completed five marathons with Gu and I’ve always been a big fan but lately I’ve not been feeling it.

My 18 miler on Saturday was the final straw between me and Gu. I had eaten three of them and on my fourth one I almost puked trying to suck it down. All of the sudden it seems too thick to swallow and I’m barely getting a whole packet down. I know I need the nutrition so I have decided to switch brands.

I have no idea what changed and I would definitely still recommend it to anyone cause as I said above, I have used Gu gels for quite some time but I guess my tastes have changed. I’ve had Coach EK recommend Hammer as it’s much thinner and Red recommended PowerBar. I’m going to try Hammer first since I know this bad ass also uses them.

Feel free to chime in on this if any of you have experienced the need for a thinner gel after a while. I’m hoping the change will help me get them down easier and not make me pants my poop. You all know how I have a sensitive tummy with these things. This is one the reasons I’m so sad to say farewell to Gu.

On the plus side I did finish my 18 miler and had a little help from aforementioned BA. We stayed right on my target pace and I only started feeling a real burn the last two miles and by that point I knew I was good.

I’m looking forward to the Turkey Trot this week and the BIGGEST Thankful Thursday of them all – THANKSGIVING!

Happy Monday all and congrats to everyone who raced this weekend. There were lots of races and I am looking forward to some recaps.

As a final note, goodbye Gu. You’ve served me well. Tear.